Is It Possible to Experience Side Effects or Confusion When Starting CanXida Supplements?

Recently, we received an interesting question from one of our customers: I recently started taking CanXida supplements as a precaution for my health, but I’ve been experiencing some side effects like itchy eyes, headaches, and frequent bowel movements. Additionally, I’m confused about the correct dosage and diet restrictions since the literature and advice seem contradictory. Is it possible I’m allergic to something in CanXida, or could it be too harsh on my liver? How should I proceed?

It’s not uncommon for individuals with a sensitive system or pre-existing health conditions to experience side effects when starting new supplements. In cases like this, it’s important to take a cautious approach:

Potential Allergies or Sensitivities: Given the symptoms, it’s possible that you might be reacting to one or more ingredients in CanXida. Since you mentioned sensitivity to medications, starting with a low dose was a good decision. However, if the symptoms persist, it’s wise to consult with your healthcare provider to rule out any allergic reactions.

Liver and Lymphatic System Concerns: If you have a compromised liver function, certain herbal supplements could potentially strain your liver. Consulting your naturopath or physician about your symptoms is crucial, especially considering your liver and lymphatic health.

Clarifying Dosage and Diet Confusion: The confusion about dosage and diet is understandable, especially with different sources of information. For CanXida, following the product-specific guidance is typically recommended, but individual needs may vary. If you’re unsure, it’s best to start with the lowest recommended dose and gradually increase it, while monitoring your body’s response. Regarding diet, if you’ve been cleared of dairy and gluten allergies, introducing small amounts of yogurt or sourdough bread might be fine, but observe how your body reacts and adjust accordingly.

Managing “Die-Off” Symptoms: While CanXida aims to minimize “die-off” symptoms, everyone’s body is different. If you suspect die-off effects, it might help to slow down the dosage or take breaks to allow your body to adjust.

We have mentioned this on multiple articles and even on numerous videos that you should start off slow and build ur way up since CanXida Remove, Restore & Rebuild are really strong and sustain release so it stays in body longer you need less dosage for absorption.

You can also refer to product dosage and usage guides by clicking the links below:

Guidelines For Use

Please note that the following guidelines are intended to provide a starting point and general advice for using our products. These recommendations are not set in stone, and individual experiences may vary. It’s important to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. If you find that you are still reacting to a product, consider reducing the dosage or discontinuing use. If you are not achieving the desired results, you may want to explore our more advanced protocols, such as the CanXida Clinical Protocol or the 2-4-2 Protocol.

CanXida Remove

CanXida Restore

CanXida Rebuild


Health and wellness are complex areas, and recommendations can vary based on individual circumstances and new insights. As mentioned before, our guidelines are intended to provide a starting point and general advice for using our products and our diet. Every individual is unique, and their experiences can differ, so it’s important to adapt our recommendations to suit your specific needs.

Please also understand that our recommendations may seem different at times because there are multiple valid approaches to treatment—there’s no single “golden” method. Additionally, many of our videos and articles discuss dosage and usage for various health issues such as SIBO, leaky gut, IBS, other gut dysbiosis, and Candida, which might require different approaches.

Here are some recommended videos for you to watch:

If you have still got questions then contact us.