Is It Possible For Candida To Cause Stomach Pain?

Does Candida cause pain in your stomach? Before diving into that, it’s essential to understand the anatomical distinction many often miss. While most refer to the region in the middle of the abdomen as the stomach, it’s not entirely accurate. The stomach is positioned higher up, and the region most point to is generally the small intestine. Surrounding this area, you’ll find the large intestine forming the outline of the colon.

When someone says they have stomach pain, they’re frequently referring to discomfort in the small intestine. Candida can influence any part of the gastrointestinal system, with the small and large intestines being primary areas affected by yeast infections. The colon is often prone to overgrowth, leading to symptoms like gas and bloating. The small intestine, especially its initial part – the duodenum – is crucial for digestion. Significantly, a large portion of your immune system resides in the initial segment of the small bowel. Consequently, it’s no surprise that this region gets impacted, notably by conditions like “leaky gut” syndrome. Candida can also irritate various parts of the small intestine, leading to inflammation and infection. So, yes, pain in this region can indeed be attributed to Candida.

However, it’s vital to distinguish this from pain you might experience on either side of your abdomen. Some feel more discomfort on the right, especially near the edge. For individuals over 50, such pain might be related to conditions like diverticulitis. If you feel sensations around the right area, it might point to issues with the ileocecal valve, the joining point of the small and large intestines. A trained massage therapist might detect tenderness around this section.

It’s always advisable to monitor your health through regular check-ups. Checking your white blood cell count can indicate inflammation or infection. Symptoms like low-grade fevers or nausea could signify infections, involving parasites, Candida, or bacteria. If you suffer from chronic stomach pain, a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA), which includes parasitology, might be beneficial.

While many general physicians might not have in-depth insights into such matters, they often recommend seeing a gastroenterologist. Such specialists might suggest an endoscopy or colonoscopy, but these can sometimes yield inconclusive results. Thus, stool testing is a practical method to pinpoint the root cause if you experience chronic discomfort. Furthermore, consider taking our online quiz in our book Candida Crusher, which can provide insights into whether your digestive issues are Candida-related.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for general awareness and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare professional for a personal diagnosis and treatment recommendations.