Is Betaine HCL Effective In Treating Candida Yeast Infections?

We received a question about whether Betaine HCL can treat Candida. Betaine hydrochloride, commonly known as Betaine, is a supplement used to improve stomach acidity. Contrary to the common belief that many people with reflux disease and heartburn suffer from over acid production, many actually experience under acid production. The misconception that heartburn is due to over acidity has led to a large industry focused on treating it. Stomach acid plays a crucial role in our overall health. When medications block stomach acid, they can create numerous health issues. Research suggests that a majority of individuals consuming acid-blocking medications may have a yeast infection. By increasing stomach acidity instead of decreasing it, you can improve overall stomach function and prevent various infections. For instance, an alkaline stomach environment makes one more susceptible to yeast infections or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Approach Recommendation Benefit
Betaine HCL Start with 300-500mg with meals Improve stomach acidity
Diet Adjustment Introduce lemon juice, cider vinegar Reduce heartburn
Enzyme Supplement Use products like CanXida Restore Treat Candida and aid digestion

A recommended approach for consuming betaine hydrochloride is to start with 300 to 500 mg of Betaine HCL as a supplement. Take one capsule with a meal, and gradually increase the dosage with each subsequent meal until you find your comfort level. If you experience any discomfort or heartburn, reduce the dosage. This approach is termed the “tummy tolerance” method. For those suffering from severe heartburn, integrating lemon juice, cider vinegar, or betaine might help. If dealing with Candida, consider taking a digestive enzyme that includes betaine. We recommend our product, CanXida Restore, which comprises digestive enzymes and probiotics. These probiotics enhance stomach health. There’s a connection between antibiotics and the need for acid-blocking drugs. Antibiotics can deplete beneficial flora in the stomach, leading to reflux disease, which then requires acid-blocking drugs. To counteract this, consider taking a quality probiotic enzyme formula.

Disclaimer: While we provide insights based on research and experience, it’s vital to consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health.