How to Heal Your Gut After Quitting Alcohol: A Comprehensive Guide with the CanXida GUTRX Plan

Long-term alcohol consumption can have a variety of negative impacts on our health and personal relationships. Many of these impacts are well known, such as the breakdown of social connections and damage to the liver.

However, long-term alcohol consumption has an under appreciated effect on gut health and on the microbes that live in the gut. These microbes are known collectively as the gut microbiome. They are important for various bodily systems and functions such as digestion, mental health, skin health, lung health, and many more.

This means that consuming alcohol can damage all of these functions by negatively affecting the gut microbiome. Quitting alcohol is a challenge that many of us deal with. However, quitting has a profoundly positive impact on our lives. It is important to take care of gut health as we recover from long-term use of alcohol.

In this article, we will discuss how alcohol damages the gut, the benefits of quitting, and introduce the CanXida GUTRX Plan as a strategy for aiding gut recovery after quitting alcohol.

We will also hear testimony from CanXida customers who quit drinking and found our products helpful for achieving gut health.

Understanding the Impact of Alcohol on Gut Health

The impact of alcohol on gut health often goes overlooked. However, the gut is a core aspect of overall well-being, so understanding how alcohol damages it is an important first step toward recovery. The microbes that make up the gut microbiome are central to gut function. A diverse microbiome with plenty of good bacteria is optimal. An overabundance of harmful bacteria and a lack of microbiome diversity is bad for gut health. Alcohol shifts the balance of the gut microbiome in a negative direction through several mechanisms.

Many studies have demonstrated that the gut microbiome of alcoholics is different from that of healthy controls. In many cases, this involves a reduction of beneficial bacteria and an increase in those more closely associated with diseases. The precise mechanism through which alcohol changes the gut microbiome is still a subject of scientific inquiry. However, it could be due to specific stressors that alcohol puts on bacteria, which some species are more or less resistant to. Additionally, the particular type of alcoholic beverage consumed can have different impacts on changes to the gut microbiome.

Alcohol can also negatively impact the gut microbiome in several indirect ways. These include:

  • Hidden sugar intake: Many alcoholic drinks are high in sugar or are typically mixed with sugary beverages. Sugar helps the growth of harmful microbes like the fungus Candida, which leads to gut imbalance.
  • Consumption of unhealthy foods: Alcohol consumption often goes hand-in-hand with the consumption of low-quality foods that are high in sugar and fat and have low nutritional value. As we’ll discuss later, our diet plays a big role in determining which bacteria grow and which don’t. An unhealthy diet creates an unhealthy gut.
  • Weakening the immune system: The immune system is important for helping maintain gut balance. Alcohol disrupts immune function, making us more susceptible to gut disruption and infection. It also reduces sleep quality, which is vital for the proper functioning of the immune system.

The bottom line is that alcohol is bad for the gut microbiome, in addition to its other harmful effects on the body.

The gut microbiome is essential for many bodily functions. Thus, alcohol consumption can have long-term negative impacts in a variety of important and diverse ways by disrupting the microbiome. These include:

  • Inflammation and damage: Alcohol triggers inflammation in the gut and other locations within the digestive system. Inflammation causes discomfort and leads to various diseases, including chronic inflammatory conditions like Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Alcohol also damages the gut lining, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. This means that bacteria and toxins can leak into the bloodstream and cause illness.
  • Food Absorption: Alcohol-induced inflammation can prevent nutrients from being absorbed across the wall of the small intestine and into the bloodstream. Furthermore, alcohol damages the liver and pancreas, which release enzymes essential for food digestion.
  • Liver-gut axis: Gut health and liver health are closely linked. These organs rely on each other to function properly. When alcohol is consumed, both the gut and the liver are damaged, and this creates a downward spiral where the dysfunction of one organ triggers dysfunction of the other and vice versa.
  • Mental health: Alcohol is known to have a depressant effect, and there is a complex relationship between alcohol and depressive disorders. The gut microbiome is also linked to mental health disorders. Thus, alcohol may disrupt mental health by triggering gut imbalances, in addition to other mechanisms.
  • Symptoms: In addition to the adverse effects already described, alcohol can cause bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux.

These conditions and symptoms can be mild, but they often progress to more severe diseases, which can significantly reduce quality of life and even prove fatal. Thus, being aware of how alcohol damages the gut is the first step to healing and preventing further disruption.

Next, we’ll discuss how you can take action to maintain gut health after quitting alcohol.

Immediate Steps After Quitting Alcohol

Understanding the risks of alcohol on gut health and quitting drinking is an excellent first step. However, it isn’t easy to know what to do next.

Here are steps you can take straight away after deciding to quit.

Hydration: Consuming enough water is vital for health, but it can be even more critical to ensure we are getting enough water after quitting alcohol. Water is essential for life and is particularly important for digestive and kidney function. The daily recommended amount of water intake is around 3.5 L for men and 2.5 for women. It’s important to note that these are rough approximations and do not consider exercise or climate humidity. Talk to your healthcare professional to help determine your optimal water intake.

Consuming herbal tea is one way to reach your water intake goal while benefiting from ingredients that promote gut health. Beneficial herbal teas backed up by science include:

    • Green tea
    • Black tea
    • Oolong
    • Pu-erh
    • Fuzhuan (fermented tea)

We recommend adding a few cloves to your tea, as clove extracts have anti-Candida properties.

Dietary Recommendations: Diet is a fundamental part of gut recovery. The food we eat becomes the food of the microbes in our gut. Some foods help good microbes thrive, while others cause the bad ones to grow. This means we must select our foods carefully to help encourage good gut health.

The GUTRX Plan

At CanXida, we have created the GUTRX Plan, which stands for Gut, Uplift, Through, Restoration, and Xcellence. This specialized plan focuses on restoring and uplifting gut health to achieve excellence in well-being after quitting alcohol.

It is based on our experience helping our clients overcome their gut issues and listening to their feedback. The diet removes unhealthy foods and integrates high-quality whole foods, fruits, and vegetables.

The diet focuses on six key areas:

1. Hydration

Water is a core component of the GUTRX plan. Tracking your water intake is a priority. Focus on rehydrating once you wake up and after and during exercise and ensure that you space out your intake throughout the day. The herbal teas mentioned above are also a fantastic way to stay hydrated. Our supplement, CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH), contains a robust mix of vitamins, minerals, and premium bioavailable ingredients that help with liver and digestive health. It is a powder formulation that mixes with water and can help you reach your hydration goals.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that we want to have in our gut. Many foods, especially fermented ones, are high in probiotics and should be a core part of your new diet. These foods include:

    • Yogurt (plain Greek, avoid those high in sugar)
    • Kefir
    • Kimchi
    • Tempeh
    • Saurkraut
    • Other fermented foods
      • Many foods can be fermented to build up levels of probiotics. Consider buying a book on making your fermented foods.

It’s important to start slowly with fermented foods high in probiotics. Starting with too much can cause digestive problems.

3. Prebiotics

Prebiotics are food for probiotics. By incorporating foods high in prebiotics, we can help the probiotics in our diet thrive. Prebiotics are molecules that we can’t digest, but beneficial bacteria can feed on and use to grow. Foods that are high in prebiotics include:

    • Jerusalem artichoke
    • Apples
    • Garlic
    • Onions
    • Whole oats
    • Bananas
    • Beans

4. Healthy Meats and Eggs

Meats and eggs are another critical part of the GUTRX plan. They are good sources of protein and iron. Prioritize lean cuts of meat, as these contain less fat. Meats are not inherently high in probiotics or prebiotics. However, fermentation is used to prepare some meat products, which will contain probiotics as a result.

It’s helpful to find foods high in probiotics that work well with meats. A classic example is using sauerkraut with sausage; just make sure you are getting high-quality products that are more lean than fat. It’s always good to experiment, so try out some combinations. You’d be surprised how many delicious meals are good for your gut.

5. Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important for health because they counteract harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals cause stress in our bodies and are implicated in the emergence of different diseases. Antioxidants are important in liver health, as the liver’s detoxification function naturally produces free radicals. Alcohol is broken down in the liver, which leads to the production of free radicals. There are many kinds of antioxidants, and you may already know some of them; vitamin C and E vitamins are common examples. Here are some foods that are high in antioxidants and fit within the GUTRX Plan:

    • Berries
    • Carrots
    • Citrus fruits
    • Nuts
    • Spinach
    • Kale
    • Beets
    • Tomatoes
    • Red cabbage

6. High fiber foods

Fiber is an essential prebiotic that also helps establish regular bowel movements. It helps build stool bulk and removes toxins and waste quickly from the body. Foods that are high in fiber include:

    • Fruits: Berries, apples, pears, bananas
    • Vegetables: Artichokes, broccoli, carrots
    • Whole grains
    • Nuts and seeds

Here are foods to avoid after quitting alcohol:

    • Chocolate (even 100% cacao)
    • Sugary foods
    • Sweets
    • Potato chips
    • Fizzy drinks
    • Highly processed foods
    • Low nutrition foods

Rest and Recovery

A sudden dietary change can lead to feelings of withdrawal. This can be especially challenging to deal with when giving up alcohol at the same time. It’s important to take things slowly with the diet and not be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Start by slowly integrating healthier foods into your diet while trying to decrease the amount of problematic foods. It’s better to reach your target diet slowly than to go cold turkey and give up after two weeks.

The GUTRX plan contains a diet that is suitable for a healthy lifestyle, not just when aiming at gut recovery after quitting alcohol. It is vital to allow your body and mind to rest during recovery. So don’t feel guilty about “not getting enough done.” Recovery is an active process, even if it sometimes doesn’t look or feel like it.

Rebuilding a Healthy Gut Microbiome With Supplements

While a good diet is the foundation of the GUTRX plan, it is important to incorporate supplements when they are beneficial. Supplements can be particularly useful in filling gaps in our nutrition and adding beneficial ingredients that are difficult to get with diet alone. Here, we’ll focus on two supplement types that can be particularly helpful: probiotics and nutritional supplements.

Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, as we’ve already discussed in our description of the GUTRX plan. But let’s examine their importance to gut and overall health in more detail. Here are some crucial functions of probiotics:

    • Digestion: Probiotics help break down foods (prebiotics) that we cannot digest.
    • Immune health: Probiotics are important for priming the immune system by producing antibodies that effectively “train” the immune system to fight harmful microbes.
    • Disease prevention: Beyond their role in immune health, probiotics help prevent infections and other diseases. They can reduce the number of bad bacteria and prevent harmful microbes from attaching to the wall of the small intestine. Linked to this is their ability to protect barrier function in the gut and help prevent leaky gut syndrome.
    • Nutrition: Probiotics help us get nutrients from food and also produce nutrients like vitamin K and some B vitamins.
    • Mental health: Probiotics have shown promise in improving various mental health issues. This may make them particularly beneficial, where mental health is an underlying contributor to excessive alcohol consumption.

We’ve already provided a list of food types rich in probiotics. However, supplementation can also provide us with a great source of probiotics. Many supplements only provide one probiotic strain; however, CanXida Restore (Formula RST) provides six strains scientifically shown to promote gut health and help combat harmful microbes like Candida.

The six strains in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) are:

    • acidophilus
    • casei
    • plantarum
    • rhamnosus
    • longum
    • bifidum

The CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) formulation is a fantastic option for providing some prebiotics such as Larch arabinogalactan.

Nutritional supplements: Maintaining proper nutrition is essential during recovery. This is particularly important for immune function, which will help keep harmful microbes at bay. A healthy diet will provide you with many essential nutrients; however, supplementing can be beneficial to ensure no gaps in your nutrition. Important nutrients for recovery include:

    • Vitamin A – This vitamin is important for liver function and regeneration, acts as an antioxidant, and helps protect the gut lining. Sources: Liver, eggs, carrots, spinach
    • Vitamin D – This vitamin plays an important role in liver recovery and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Sources: Eggs, fish liver oil, various fortified foods
    • Vitamin C – This vitamin supports liver detoxification and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Sources: Citrus fruits, kiwi, broccoli, spinach
    • Zinc – This mineral supports the immune system, helps liver function, and is required for the functioning of some antioxidants.

Integrating these nutrient-dense foods into your diet can help support your recovery. Here are some recipes you can try to help incorporate as many beneficial foods as possible.

Hydrating Morning Smoothie


  • 1 scoop CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH)
  • 1 cup water (hydration)
  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (probiotics)
  • 1/2 banana (prebiotic and nutrient-dense)
  • 1/2 cup spinach (antioxidant)
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries (antioxidants)
  • Ice cubes (optional)

Fermented Veggie Bowl


  • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa or whole oats (prebiotic)
  • 1/2 cup kimchi or sauerkraut (probiotic)
  • 1/2 cup steamed broccoli (fiber and antioxidant)
  • 1/4 cup shredded carrots (antioxidant)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari (optional)

Garlic and Onion Bean Soup


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced (prebiotic)
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced (prebiotic and anti-Candida)
  • 1 carrot, diced (fiber and antioxidant)
  • 1 can (15 oz) white beans, drained and rinsed (prebiotic)
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For more delicious recipes, check out this book.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals to help meet your nutritional needs.

Supporting Gut Lining Repair

Gut microbiome disruption and alcohol overconsumption can cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining. Leaky gut syndrome can occur after prolonged damage, which means bacteria and toxins can enter the bloodstream and cause damage. Furthermore, chronic gut inflammation can lead to inflammatory diseases and painful symptoms.

Recovery in this context requires eating foods and supplements that help reduce inflammation and repair the gut lining. We have already discussed some foods with anti-inflammatory properties, but now let’s provide a more detailed list.

Anti-inflammatory foods:

  • Berries: These foods are delicious, healthy, and contain a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as:
    • Anthocyanins
    • Flavanoids
    • Ellagic Acid (also found in CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH))
    • Vitamin C
  • Leafy green vegetables: These can be used in virtually any recipe or snack. They are also abundant in anti-inflammatory compounds. These include:
    • Flavanoids
    • Carotenoids
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
    • Vitamin K
  • Citrus fruits: These can be enjoyed as a snack or garnish and are fiber-rich. The anti-inflammatory compounds in citrus fruits include:
    • Vitamin C
    • Flavanoids
    • Carotenoids
  • Spices and herbs: These can be added to any dish and to tea to improve flavor and enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of your meal. Anti-inflammatory spices and herbs include:
    • Ginger
    • Garlic
    • Oregano
    • Cloves
    • Sage
    • Tumeric
  • Foods to avoid in addition to alcohol
    • High sugar content
    • Refined carbohydrates

Supplements for Anti-inflammatory support

Getting everything you need from diet alone can be challenging. It is sometimes valuable to supplement with carefully chosen formulations with anti-inflammatory ingredients. Examples of these supplements include:

    • Omega-3 fatty acids – These healthy fats are important for the functioning of epithelial cells that make up the gut lining. They also have anti-inflammatory effects by reducing the production of cytokine molecules that can cause inflammation.
    • L-glutamine – This amino acid is an important food source for epithelial cells, helping them to function and adapt to stress. It also supports immune function and blocks the products of proinflammatory cytokines.CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) – This formulation contains L-glutamine and various vitamins that have anti-inflammatory functions.
    • CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): This formulation provides robust vitamin and mineral coverage, providing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-supporting effects.
    • CanXida Restore (Formula RST) – Probiotics also protect the gut lining and reduce inflammation*. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains six powerful probiotic strains.

Lifestyle Changes to Support Gut Health

Diet and supplementation are essential for recovery, but they aren’t everything. It’s important also to incorporate lifestyle changes to improve your gut health. These are good changes to make regardless of your health status or history of alcohol consumption. So encourage your family or friends to try them out, too. Making lifestyle changes can be easier if someone else does it with you.

Stress Management: Stress has a negative impact on gut health, as well as mental health. In particular, it can increase the permeability of the gut and disrupt normal digestive function. Furthermore, stress makes it more challenging to stick to new lifestyles. It makes it easier to fall back into bad habits like overconsumption of alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. Removing unnecessary and stressful things from our lives is vital for long-term well-being. Techniques for stress reduction include meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness. Consult a mental healthcare professional to discuss stress management strategies that suit you best.

Exercise: Regular exercise is important for our health. Exercising improves the microbiome, digestive function and supports the immune system. It also helps reduce stress and enhance the quality of sleep. Another benefit of exercise is that it can encourage us to eat better and sleep more to help optimize recovery and performance. Exercise is also a great way to socialize if you join a club or find a training partner. Swimming is a great exercise that uses the whole body and is easy on the joints. Other sports like hiking and yoga are great at reducing stress. If you exercise regularly, consider CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH), which we designed to support gut health, especially in highly active individuals.

Sleep Hygiene: Insufficient sleep is associated with metabolic and immune disruption. New evidence suggests that sleep deprivation also affects the gut microbiome and may play a direct role in these problems. Everyone has different sleep needs, so it’s essential to aim for the number of hours that work for you. You may find that your needs change as you adopt a new diet and lifestyle. It’s worth paying attention to how much sleep makes you feel well-rested instead of merely functional. If you don’t feel well-rested after sleep, it’s worth changing your routine. It can help to avoid eating and watching television or using your phone for at least an hour before sleep. Getting enough exercise during the day can also help with falling asleep quickly. Caffeine and other stimulants can disrupt sleep quality, so make sure to cut them out, especially in the hours before bedtime. Also, ensure your bedroom is as dark as possible; using a mask to cover your eyes can help if this isn’t possible. Consult a sleep specialist if you are experiencing difficulties improving your sleep.

Monitoring Progress and Seeking Professional Help

It’s important to track your progress to gauge how much you have improved. Keeping track can also help boost your confidence and motivation to continue the recovery plan. If you observe a worsening of symptoms over time, keeping a record of how you feel can help simplify decisions about seeking professional help.

Tracking symptoms and progress

Keeping a journal and monitoring your symptoms, sleep quality, and mood is incredibly useful. There will be days during recovery when we feel bad and may be tempted to relapse and fall back into bad habits. In these cases, a tracker can be beneficial for remembering how far we’ve come and the benefits we’ve already seen by fully committing to the recovery process. Something as simple as ticking a box for every day that we stick to our goal can be incredible for helping to maintain motivation and momentum. Keeping track helps us to notice patterns in our moods and behavior that we might otherwise miss. We can see things that consistently stress us or cause us to lose sleep, giving us an actionable goal for improving our quality of life. Lastly, tracking changes in symptoms let us know what is working and what isn’t. There is no one-size-fits-all for recovery. Keeping track allows us to integrate and remove different foods and supplements and assess their effectiveness rationally.

We provide everyone with a free tracker. Many of our clients use it to track their progress in dealing with Candida issues, but it can be used to track gut recovery after quitting alcohol.

When to seek professional help

If you notice no improvements in your health or worsening symptoms, it is worth consulting with a medical healthcare professional. Consultations can also be valuable at the start of your recovery to help establish an agreed plan and gain access to other resources, such as in-person support groups and prescription medications. If you have particular allergies or dietary restrictions, consult your healthcare provider before starting a new diet plan. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Real-life Success Stories

Many of our clients have experienced success using our products and giving up alcohol. Let’s examine these stories and see what we can learn from them.

Alyssa’s Story

Alyssa began experiencing vaginal yeast infections in 2018, along with occasional bouts of bacterial vaginosis, chronic fatigue, and a weakened immune system. Unaware of the contributing factors, such as prior antibiotic use, oral contraceptive pills, alcohol, stress, poor diet, and insufficient sleep, she struggled with her health. Despite trying various Candida supplements and 7-14 day cleanses, her condition did not improve. Over the past five years, she discovered that avoiding alcohol, gluten, dairy, and sugar helped alleviate her symptoms. Conventional doctors were unable to provide effective solutions, suggesting she would need to stay on Fluconazole for life. However, after six months on Fluconazole, her symptoms returned.

Frustrated, she found the CanXida YouTube channel and consulted a Naturopath to get the recommended tests. The tests revealed that Candida was causing leaky gut, Klebsiella bacteria was present in large amounts, mold toxicity was dangerously high (over 95%), and she had heavy metal toxicity along with low progesterone and DHEA levels.

Following the CanXida videos, she began to slowly recover her health. She used CanXida Restore, Remove, Rebuild, and Vitamin C products after finding conventional pharmaceuticals ineffective. Remembering her mother’s use of homeopathic and herbal medicine during her childhood, she returned to these methods, finding them more effective.

Having just started the supplements, she also improved her diet, sleep, lifestyle, and relationships, which greatly helped her condition. She is working on correcting multiple health issues and is hopeful about the results. She highly recommends CanXida to others and praises the comprehensive and straightforward information available from CanXida, which gave her hope for recovery.

The Lesson: Alcohol can contribute to infection issues, especially when accompanied by other risk factors. Taking CanXida supplements and improving our diets and lifestyles can lead to excellent results, even after suffering for many years.

Erica’s Story:

For over 20 years, Erica suffered from a range of debilitating conditions: IBS, autoimmune problems, fibromyalgia, and, more recently, severe skin rashes. She started eating clean and quit drinking alcohol to try to get rid of her problems. She found the CanXida YouTube channel and tried one bottle of CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), Restore (RST), and Rebuild (RBD) with good results. However, Erica struggles with alcoholism, and it has prevented her from solving her issues with Candida and the associated problems. She stated that she failed in her recovery because she kept drinking alcohol. Despite this, she has hope that CanXida can help solve her problems once she overcomes her challenges with alcohol.

The Lesson: Erica’s story shows us the importance of perseverance and willingness to try new things to aid recovery. However, it also illustrates how incredibly challenging it can be to deal with addiction and how it can stop us from reaching recovery goals. It’s important to know that everyone starts somewhere and that having a clear route to recovery is valuable for giving us hope and something to aim for.

Michelle’s Story:

Michelle had been taking NSAIDs for back pain and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) for a bleeding ulcer, which eventually led to leaky gut and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). Fortunately, she was enrolled in the Integrative Nutrition course at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) at the time. This course introduced her to Functional Medicine doctors who understood the importance of a healthy gut for overall health.

She was in the midst of a health crisis when she discovered CanXida online. Michelle began reviewing CanXida’s YouTube videos daily and brought CanXida to the attention of her functional medicine doctor. By then, her doctor had diagnosed her with SIBO. Michelle suggested trying CanXida, and her doctor agreed.

Since 2015, CanXida has been crucial in keeping Michelle’s microbiome balanced. Alongside her IIN course and CanXida’s YouTube videos, Michelle paired CanXida with a strict SIBO diet for six months. She also reduced stress through meditation and yoga and abstained from alcohol. Eventually, her gut health improved, but she still maintains a healthy lifestyle and diet to keep her gut in good condition. CanXida’s website and videos were integral to her success.

Lesson: Michelle’s story tells us how important it is to be educated about different ways of recovering from health issues. This doesn’t have to mean taking a course. It can be as simple as searching for free resources on YouTube. Michelle found recovery with CanXida products while removing stress and alcohol from her life.

Healing your gut after quitting alcohol is a crucial step toward reclaiming overall health and well-being. Alcohol consumption disrupts the gut microbiome, leading to various health issues that can significantly affect the quality of life. The CanXida GUTRX plan provides a comprehensive strategy to support gut health recovery, focusing on hydration, proper diet, beneficial supplements, and lifestyle changes.

The GUTRX plan outlines immediate steps to rehydrate and nourish the body with gut-friendly foods. Incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet helps restore beneficial bacteria, while high-fiber and antioxidant-rich foods promote gut lining repair and overall digestive health. Supplements are vital in filling nutritional gaps and enhancing the recovery process. Probiotic supplements like CanXida Restore (Formula RST) and nutritional supplements like CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) and CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) provide support to rebuild and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Lifestyle changes such as stress management, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene are essential to recovery. These changes not only support gut health but also contribute to overall physical and mental well-being. Monitoring progress and seeking professional help are critical to ensuring a successful recovery. The real-life success stories from CanXida customers highlight the effectiveness of dietary changes and supplementation with CanXida and the positive impact of quitting alcohol and adopting a gut-friendly lifestyle.

In conclusion, recovering gut health after quitting alcohol is a multifaceted process that requires a holistic approach. By following the GUTRX plan, incorporating lifestyle changes, and using supplements, you can restore and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, improving overall health and well-being.

Contact our customer support team to learn more about our products. You can also view our extensive educational YouTube library for free.

Resources for alcohol-related issues:

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.