How Can One Utilize Pau D’Arco To Treat Nail Fungal Infections?

In this article, we discuss the Pau D’arco treatment for nail infections. Whether you are struggling with toenail fungus or fingernail yeast infections, this method has proven effective. This treatment can also be applied for scalp yeast infections.

To begin, procure some high-quality Pau D’arco bark. You can find this bark from various online vendors. Ensure that the Pau D’arco bark you purchase has between 2 to 4 percent Lapacho content, as the active ingredient is Lapachol. A high-grade Lapachol content ensures maximum effectiveness.

To prepare the solution:

  1. Measure out a whole cup of the bark.
  2. Add the bark to a stainless steel, glass, or iron saucepan (avoid using aluminum).
  3. Add three to four cups of cold, quality water.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. Once boiling, reduce the heat and let it simmer for one hour.

Alternatively, you can utilize a slow cooker for this process. Place one cup of Pau D’arco bark and three to four cups of water into the cooker. If using a low setting, let it simmer overnight. On a high setting, four or five hours should suffice. After cooking, the resulting extract should taste incredibly strong. Filter this extract to remove the bark, leaving a dark orange-brown liquid.


  1. Keep the affected nail immersed in this strong Pau D’arco solution.
  2. For best results, soak the affected area for at least one hour, two to three times per week.
  3. This method is particularly effective when combined with Australian tea tree oil or oregano oil applied directly to the nail.
  4. Consider lightly sanding the surface of the nail for better absorption.
  5. A nailbrush can also be helpful to ensure the solution fully covers and penetrates the affected area.

Apart from treating nails, this solution can be used for washing hair or even as ear drops for persistent itchy ears. However, refrain from using this concentrated solution vaginally. If considering using Pau D’arco for other infections, ensure to check out related articles in our blog.

In our book “Candida Crusher,” we discuss various treatments and remedies for fungal and yeast infections.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before trying new treatments or remedies.