CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and Gastrointestinal Health: Insights from a Triple-blinded Clinical Trial

When selecting the best health supplements for you, the science really matters. At CanXida, we’re dedicated to providing science-backed solutions to help our clients achieve their health goals.

After years of hearing how our products have helped our clients overcome gastrointestinal problems, we wanted to put CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) to the test with a robust, independently performed clinical trial. The results are in, and CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) significantly improved participants’ perceptions of their overall gastrointestinal health. A major success!

We are immensely proud of this result, which vindicates our commitment to science-backed formulations and provides data to back up our clients’ positive experiences with CanXida Remove (Formula RMV).

This blog covers the importance of gastrointestinal health, how we performed the trial, and the significance of the results we obtained. We look forward to conducting more trials in the future to showcase how our products can revolutionize our clients’ gastrointestinal health.

The Importance of Gastrointestinal Health

Gastrointestinal health plays a far greater role in our lives than many people appreciate. It is virtually impossible to understand how important gut health is until we lose it. Poor gastrointestinal well-being significantly impacts all areas of daily life. This includes:

  • Hobbies: Poor gastrointestinal health can be completely debilitating, making it difficult or even impossible to get out of bed or leave the house. It makes us less likely to stay active and can cause embarrassment around others, especially if we experience symptoms like excessive gas and flatulence.
  • Work: Poor gut health affects work performance, which can put a serious drain on our ambitions. Constantly excusing ourselves from meetings or taking extended periods away from the office can disrupt productivity and hinder career growth.
  • Mental Wellbeing: The symptoms caused by poor gut health have a huge impact on our self-esteem and self-worth. Many people feel hopeless after suffering for decades without relief and can often fall into prolonged periods of depression.
  • Relationships: Poor gut health may make us feel like we just want to be left alone, which is understandable, but it can harm our relationships at home and work. Meeting new people can be terrifying if we are constantly worried about needing to race to the bathroom or appearing uncomfortable and bloated.
  • Food: Poor gastrointestinal health means we no longer enjoy foods we used to love. Additionally, Candida overgrowth can reduce our body’s ability to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food we eat. Food sensitivities often mean we can’t engage fully in social activities, such as family gatherings or work dinners.

But that’s only half the story.

At CanXida, we’ve known for years that gut health is central to overall well-being. Recently, the scientific community has come to the same realization. The microbes living in our gut (collectively known as the gut microbiome) are now thought to impact the health and functioning of other body systems. In scientific terms, the connection between gut microbes and other organs is called an “axis.” This describes how different body systems communicate and influence each other through the gut. Scientists are currently investigating several key connections, including the gut-brain axis, gut-lung axis, and gut-liver axis, as well as links between gut health and the skin, heart, bones, and more.

Poor gut health can make it feel like every part of us is suffering in some undefinable way. The scientific community is slowly unraveling potential reasons behind this.

Commitment to Our Customers

At CanXida, we hold our clients in the highest regard, valuing their trust and consistently prioritizing their needs in everything we do. We are constantly amazed at the inspiring stories of perseverance that our clients share with us and work tirelessly to improve our service and products to give them the relief they need and deserve. Other companies make bold claims about the effectiveness of their products without bothering to provide scientific evidence to support them. At CanXida, we appreciate our clients’ ability to make educated, data-driven decisions about their health. Our clients deserve to know if CanXida products stand up to scientific scrutiny. That’s why we performed our CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) clinical trial.

How the Clinical Trial Was Performed

The trial recruited women aged 18 to 50 who had reported experiencing Candida symptoms before the start of the study. These participants were split into two groups of thirty. One group took Candida Remove (Formula RMV) every day for 12 weeks, and the other took a placebo (fake treatment) for the same period. The participants completed questionnaires on various health parameters before, midway through, and at the end of the trial.

The study was triple-blinded, which meant the participants, the researchers who performed the study, and the CanXida team, including the scientists who analyzed the results, did not know which group got CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and which got the placebo until the results were finalized. This step was essential for ensuring fair, reliable results.

Asking the Right Questions

Gastrointestinal health is not an easy topic to pin down and can mean vastly different things depending on who you ask. Some individuals may have a specific symptom they can point to as their issue, while for others, it is a general sense of unease or that something just isn’t right. We designed our study to be as comprehensive as possible to capture the full range of participant experiences with poor gastrointestinal health.

The Results

After twelve weeks, there was a statistically significant improvement in how participants who took CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) every day rated their overall gastrointestinal health. The same effect was not observed in the group that received the placebo.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) is Clinically Shown to Improve Feelings of Overall Gastrointestinal Health

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains premium all-natural ingredients that help to combat Candida* and other pathogens that disrupt gastrointestinal wellbeing. By confirming this result for CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), we have validated existing literature that suggests a role for these ingredients in helping promote gastrointestinal well-being. You can find a full breakdown of the science behind these ingredients in our dedicated CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) white paper.

A Last Word from Our Clients

Our clinical trial results have shown that CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) helps to improve people’s perceptions of their gastrointestinal health. This result matches what our clients have been telling us for years and helps to put their testimonials in a new, more scientifically robust context. Let’s hear from some of them now:

“I’ve suffered from candida since I was a teenager…The CanXida Remove is a very gentle, well-rounded supplement. I’ve never had an upset stomach. I have a very sensitive system so this is amazing.”

“I suffered from major bloating and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, as well as sometimes having to immediately run to the bathroom because of bowel issues…I would recommend CanXida because the products worked for me and I will be buying another round. I have already recommended this product to a family member. I finally understand SIBO, and Candida growth and how to heal my gut.”

“I had my last flare-up in July. I had bloating, gas, constipation, cramping, thrush with a smelly discharge, rash on torso, white pigment spots on arms and legs, and toe fungus…I used CanXida Remove…I saw results after one month. The ebooks, videos, and recipes are fantastic. I feel I have a good guide. Just need to stay with it.”


The results of our triple-blinded clinical trial show that CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) can improve perceptions of overall gastrointestinal health. This trial reaffirms the power of our all-natural formula in combating Candida* and promoting overall well-being. We are committed to offering products backed by science, ensuring our clients can trust that they’re making the best choices for their health. As we continue our research, we look forward to sharing more evidence that supports CanXida’s role in transforming lives.

You can learn more about CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and our other products on our website. Our YouTube channel has thousands of videos covering a huge range of Candida-related topics. Many of our clients began their journey toward better health by watching these videos. Here’s the link.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.