Can Vitamin C Benefit Those With Candida?

We’ve received inquiries about vegetable juicing’s effectiveness for Candida. Let’s delve into that topic. In our book, Candida Crusher, we’ve devoted around 10 pages discussing vegetable juicing, the varieties, their benefits, and advantages.

After working with numerous Candida patients, we firmly believe that juicing can play a pivotal role in providing individuals with vibrant energy, optimal digestive function, and overall exceptional health. Nevertheless, juicing might not sit well with every Candida patient. For some, it works wonders; for others, not so much. It often requires a trial-and-error approach. As we are not personally overseeing your individual case, we suggest you experiment, especially as you see improvements.

Here’s why juicing is highly recommended:

  1. Juicing preserves the essential micronutrients in fresh foods that are otherwise damaged or destroyed during the cooking process.
  2. With the daily recommendation to consume between five to eight servings of fruits and veggies, juicing offers an efficient way to achieve this.
  3. The body can more readily absorb nutrients from juices compared to cooked food, especially beneficial for those with compromised digestive systems.
  4. Juicing allows you to incorporate a broader range of fruits and vegetables than you might typically consume.

However, a word of caution: Avoid 100% fruit juices. We recommend an 80/20 blend, with 80% being vegetable-based. This ensures a swift nutrient uptake by the bloodstream, facilitated better through liquid forms than solid.

Different categories of juices to consider:

  • Category One: Ideal for beginners. Includes celery, carrot, fennel, cucumber, green apple, and tomatoes.
  • Category Two: For those with a bit more experience. Contains lettuce variants, salad greens, beets, coriander, and kiwi fruit.
  • Category Three: For the seasoned juicer. Includes broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, collards, leeks, garlic, onions, shallots, and radish. Note: It’s best to avoid raw kale and collards due to their potential impact on thyroid hormones.

Improving juice taste: If you find your juice lacking in flavor, consider adding citrus juices like lemon or lime, berries, a hint of pineapple, fresh ginger, organic vanilla extract, or even ice cubes for a refreshing twist.

Why keep the fiber?

  1. Stabilizes blood sugar.
  2. Enhances bowel function.
  3. Provides a feeling of fullness, reducing unnecessary snacking.
  4. Supports weight loss. Incorporating one to two fiber-rich juices daily can significantly aid in weight loss while boosting overall health.

Disclaimer: The benefits of juicing are many, but always consult with your healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or health routine.