Your Questions Answered: Common Food Intolerance, Cleanse Or Detox & Skin Issues

Question: What are some common food intolerance?

Presented below is a list of some prevalent food intolerances to be aware of.

Intolerance Common Sources Symptoms Alternatives
Lactose Milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream Bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pain Almond milk, soy milk, lactose-free products
Gluten Wheat, rye, barley, many baked goods Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue Gluten-free bread, rice, quinoa
Fructose Apples, pears, honey, high fructose corn syrup Gas, bloating, diarrhea, stomach pain Limit high-fructose fruits, use glucose as a sweetener
Histamine Aged cheeses, cured meats, wine, beer, fermented foods Headaches, itching, hives, digestive symptoms Fresh foods, cooking fresh meat and fish, avoiding fermented foods
Sulfites Dried fruits, wines, some processed foods Headache, rash, hives, stomach pain Organic dried fruits, sulfite-free wines
FODMAPs Various foods including garlic, onions, some fruits and veggies, wheat, rye Bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea Low-FODMAP diet, which eliminates certain carbs
Salicylates Tomatoes, strawberries, spices, honey, wine Nasal congestion, asthma, skin rashes, digestive symptoms Low-salicylate diet, avoiding certain fruits and veggies
Amines Aged meats, fermented foods, certain veggies (eggplant, tomatoes) Headaches, rashes, fatigue, digestive symptoms Fresh meats, limited fermented foods, fresh produce
Oxalates Spinach, beetroot, nuts, chocolate Kidney stones, joint pain Limiting high-oxalate foods, consuming calcium-rich foods alongside

Question: Should i do a cleanse or a detox?

First of all, let’s talk a little about what is a cleanse and what is a detox?

A cleanse is a short-term dietary regimen aimed at eliminating certain foods or food groups from the diet to give the digestive system a break. The goal is to remove potential irritants and allergens, allowing the gut to heal and restore its natural function. Cleanse programs often emphasize consuming whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and plenty of water, while avoiding processed foods, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol.

Detoxification is a process by which the body naturally neutralizes or clears toxins. The term “detox” in the context of alternative medicine often refers to diets, herbs, supplements, and procedures that claim to help the body eliminate toxins, thereby improving health and promoting weight loss. Detox programs might incorporate things like herbal supplements, specific diets, saunas, and even enemas.

While both emphasize a diet rich in wholesome foods, “cleanses” primarily target digestive health. In contrast, “detoxes” offer a comprehensive method for eliminating toxins, rejuvenating and invigorating you down to the cellular level.

Cleanse vs. Detox: Brief Overview

Aspect Cleanse Detox
Goal Eliminate certain foods to refresh the digestive system. Help the body eliminate toxins.
Duration Typically short-term (a few days to a few weeks). Duration varies (days to weeks).
Methods Dietary changes, consuming whole and unprocessed foods. Dietary changes, herbal supplements, saunas, enemas.
Pros – Simplifies the diet.

– Can identify food intolerances.

– Might help with certain toxins.

– Can provide a sense of physical refreshment.

Cons – Might be too restrictive.

– May cause nutrient deficiencies if done for too long.

– Some methods can be extreme.

– Potential for side effects or complications.

Considerations for Candida:

When dealing with Candida overgrowth, both cleanses and detoxes can be beneficial, but they serve different purposes:

  • Cleanse for Candida: A cleanse focused on Candida typically involves eliminating sugars, processed foods, and other foods that feed Candida. It might also include antifungal foods like garlic and coconut oil. The primary goal is to starve the Candida and reduce its numbers.
  • Detox for Candida: Detoxing when you have Candida overgrowth might focus on supporting the liver and kidneys (organs responsible for natural detoxification). Since Candida can produce toxins, a detox can help the body deal with these byproducts.

Question: Are conditions like eczema, or rosacea can sometimes be related to gut imbalances?

Yes, both eczema and rosacea can be related to gut imbalances.

Eczema and Gut Health:

  • Eczema might be linked to differences in gut microbiota.
  • An imbalanced gut can trigger inflammation, manifesting as eczema.
  • Certain foods can exacerbate eczema symptoms.

Rosacea and Gut Health:

  • Rosacea has been linked to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Gut inflammation can lead to skin inflammation, worsening rosacea.
  • Some with rosacea report digestive disorders.

In summary, while not every skin issue originates from the gut, there’s a significant connection. We have a lot of customers that take CanXida Remove for skin issues.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.