Your Questions Answered: Tinnitus Turning Scrotum Red, Beta Blocker With CanXida & Brain Fog Preventing From Exercising

Question: I have tinnitus, what do you recommend i do to control it, and what do you recommend for scrotum sac turning red?

A common condition that is responsible for causing several symtoms including tinnitus is Candida overgrowth. Antibiotics and poor diet can excacerbate Candida overgrowth. Candida Albicans lives in all mucus membranes like intestines, eyes, ears, stomach, lungs. In the ears Candida overgrowth is linked to tinnitus, ear infections, dryness, itchiness, ear discharges, and low wax. Male associated problems also include jock itch, prostate and penis infections, and swollen scrotum. Candida can overgrow when there is an immune system dysfunction usually as a result of poor gut health and bacterial dysbiosis. Candida can excrete toxins that further weaken the immune system and penetrate intestinal walls causing leaky gut. In order to get rid of Candida following a candida protocol is key. It includes eliminating foods that feed Candida, build up the immune system, kill off the yeast, plant good bacteria in the gut and support your gut barrier. Candida overgrowth is mainly fueled by sugar, refined carbohydrates and gluten so cutting those out is essential. Focus on nutrient dense anti-inflammatory foods to support you immune system including wild fish, low sugar fruit, non-starchy vegetables and flax/chia seeds. There are many anti-fungal agents that kill off Candida overgrowth, including garlic, oregano oil, and grape fruit seed extract.

Question: Will it be ok for me to take a Beta blocker along with the three Canxida supplements, as I am currently suffering from hypertension and my GP advised that I must take medication.

Herbal supplements can have strong effects in the body. Some can interact with prescription medications used to treat heart and circulatory problems, such as high blood pressure. If you are taking medication such as beta blockers and would like to incorporate herbal supplements into your lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider. Because natural herb supplements contain high concentrations of active compounds that are metabolized by the body there is a possibility for drug interactions. For example grapefruit seed oil, and other oils from citrus fruits can interact with medications such as statins. Avoid taking natural antimicrobial therapy like CanXida Remove which contains herbs like oregano, grapefruit seed and berberine which can interact with blood pressure medication. Probiotics like CanXida Restore can help improve gut immunity and restore benficial flora. These probiotics help the immune system have an effective response against microbial infection like Candida. Probiotics are safe to use with medication, but make sure to always take them at different times. CanXida Rebuild also contains natural herbs like slippery elm which contains a type of fiber called mucilage. Mucilage can decrease how much medicine the body absorbs so it can interact with blood pressure drugs. Always consult with a health care provider for complete information about any risks or benefits regarding use of medications and supplements.

Question: Can candida prevent from exercising (bike, pump, fitness…) because I get extreme fatigue and foggy head many days after exercising even 10mn except walking at a normal speed

If you feel fatigued no matter how much you sleep, you may have chronic fatigue syndrome. This disease is characterized by a minimum of 6 months of constant fatigue and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, difficulties with memory and concentration. Often one of the main symptoms of candida overgrowth is chronic fatigue. While candida is not the only cause of chronic fatigue yeast overgrowth is an important cause. A contributing factor is refined sugar and processed foods which fuel yeast overgrowth.The gut can also be damaged by too much stress and medications. Low iron levels can lead to chronic fatigue and mood swings. Treating fungal overgrowth has helped people who show signs of chronic fatigue syndrome. B12 and iron are both absorbed in the intestines. A compromised gut allows for an overgwoth of yeast and bad bacteria which deplete many nutrients. This is why it is not uncommon to see gut dysbiosis resulting in low iron and B12. Garlic, oregano oil, caprylic acid (biofilm disruptor) are all natural antifungals that won’t damage the liver or disrupt the microbiome. CanXida Restore has 12 natural antimicrobials for maximum potency and broad spectrum action. Also, supplementation with zinc, B12 and iron may be necessary. Probiotics are very important for Candida patients to help repopulate the gut immune system with healthy bacteria. As yeast colonies are killed the gut can become colonized with healthy bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria which are the most beneficial probiotic strains found in CanXida Restore. It also has digestve and systemic enzymes to help absorb and digest nutrients effectively and eliminate toxic byproducts of yeast helping heal leaky gut.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.