Your Questions Answered: Symptoms Vs Underlying Causes, Candida Snack Ideas & Candida Fighting Supplements

Question: What’s this whole thing that I keep hearing on your channel about symptoms vs underlying causes? Can you talk a little more about it in context of candida?

The distinction between symptoms and underlying causes is crucial for understanding and treating many health conditions, including Candida overgrowth. Symptoms are the physical or mental manifestations that an individual experiences as a result of a particular health issue. In contrast, underlying causes are the root factors or conditions that give rise to those symptoms.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

Symptom Description
Fatigue Constant feeling of tiredness or weariness.
Digestive Issues Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gas.
Oral Thrush White, bumpy patches in the mouth or on the tongue.
Sinus Infections Chronic sinus congestion and pressure.
Skin and Nail Fungal Infections Athlete’s foot, ringworm, and fungal nail infections.
Vaginal or Urinary Tract Infections Itching, burning, unusual discharge.
Joint Pain Pain in the joints without any known injury.
Brain Fog Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and lack of focus.
Weak Immune System Frequent infections and illnesses.

Underlying Causes of Candida Overgrowth

Underlying Cause Description
Antibiotic Use Kills beneficial bacteria, allowing Candida to multiply.
Diet High sugar and refined carbohydrate diets feed Candida.
Immune System Dysfunction Weakened immune system can’t keep Candida growth in check.
Hormonal Imbalance Changes in hormone levels, like from birth control or pregnancy, can promote Candida growth.
Stress Chronic stress weakens the immune system and can lead to overgrowth.
Diabetes High blood sugar can feed Candida.
Chemotherapy or Radiation Can kill beneficial bacteria, allowing Candida to thrive.


  • Fatigue can be connected to both Diet (from sugar spikes and crashes) and Immune System Dysfunction (from the body constantly fighting the Candida overgrowth).
  • Digestive Issues often arise from Antibiotic Use, which disrupts the gut microbiome balance.
  • Vaginal or Urinary Tract Infections can be exacerbated by Hormonal Imbalance.
  • Weak Immune System can result from a variety of underlying causes, including Stress and Chemotherapy or Radiation.

Understanding the distinction between symptoms and underlying causes can be transformative for individuals struggling with Candida overgrowth. While it’s important to address and alleviate symptoms, it’s equally vital to understand and address the root causes to ensure a comprehensive and lasting treatment approach.

Question: Can you share some candida diet friendly snack ideas?

The list of snacks below are designed to provide a range of nutrients and health benefits, specifically tailored for those dealing with Candida overgrowth. The combinations ensure that you are getting a mix of different health benefits, making the snacks not only tasty but also therapeutic.

Arugula and Cauliflower Salad:
Combines the benefits of arugula, which is rich in antioxidants and supports liver detoxification, with cauliflower, which is high in fiber and antioxidants that support digestion and reduce inflammation.

Bok Choy and Collard Greens Smoothie:
A blend that promotes a healthy gut microbiome with high fiber from bok choy and the overall well-being benefits of collard greens.

Broccoli and Horseradish Dip:
A mix of sulforaphane-rich broccoli, which has anti-inflammatory properties, with the gut health benefits of horseradish.

Brussels Sprouts and Kale Chips:
A crispy snack that’s rich in fiber, supports gut health, and aids in detoxification from Brussels sprouts, combined with the overall well-being benefits of kale.

Cauliflower and Mustard Greens Soup:
A warm soup that combines cauliflower’s digestion-supporting properties with the overall well-being benefits of mustard greens.

Collard Greens and Radishes Roll-Ups:
A snack that wraps the beneficial properties of collard greens with the crunchy goodness of radishes.

Horseradish and Rutabaga Mash:
A spicy twist to the traditional mash, combining the gut health benefits of both horseradish and rutabaga.

Turnips and Watercress Salad:
A salad that combines the benefits of turnips with the health properties of watercress. Boil the turnips for even better taste.

Artichoke and Asparagus Stir-fry:
A delightful mix of artichoke and asparagus, both beneficial for gut health and overall well-being.

For more candida friendly snack ideas check our recipe channel. We also recommend you download our candida friendly grocery shopping list.

Question: What are some popular candida fighting supplements and good sources of food?

Here’s a table that will give you a better idea:

Supplement Recommended Dosage Potential Side Effects Cost Availability in Food Sources
Oregano oil 200-600 mg 2-3 times daily Allergic reactions, stomach upset $$ Oregano herb (but in smaller concentrations)
Garlic 600-900 mg daily (divided doses) Breath & body odor, heartburn, upset stomach, burning sensation $ Fresh garlic, garlic powder
Grapefruit seed extract 100-400 mg 1-3 times daily Nausea, stomach upset $$$ Grapefruit seeds (but in smaller concentrations)
Berberine 500 mg 2-3 times daily Diarrhea, and cramping $$$ Barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape
Caprylic acid 500-2000 mg daily Nausea, constipation, heartburn $$ Coconut oil, palm oil, cow’s milk
Undecylenic acid 100-500 mg daily Stomach pain, nausea $$ Castor bean plant
Black walnut 250-500 mg twice daily Diarrhea, hives, cramping $$$ Not typically consumed as food
Neem 300-500 mg twice daily kidney & liver $$ Neem leaves (traditionally, but not common in the West)
Betaine HCL Based on protein intake, usually 1-2 capsules per meal Stomach burning, acid reflux $$ Beets, quinoa, spinach
Biotin 500-5000 mcg daily Rare: skin rash $ Eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts
Clove oil Differs based on dilution, often diluted with a carrier oil for topical use Allergic reactions, skin irritation $$ Clove spice (but in smaller concentrations)

Note: These dosages are general recommendations and can vary based on the product, individual needs, and physician recommendations. Cost-effectiveness ratings are hypothetical and might vary based on brand, region, and market demand. The “$” scale is relative, with “$” being most cost-effective and “$$$” being least.

Comparison with Canxida Remove:

If you were to buy each of these supplements separately, the cumulative cost could easily surpass $200-$300, depending on the brand and the region. This is because purchasing high-quality, effective versions of each supplement can be pricey.

On the other hand, Canxida Remove, priced at $59.99, consolidates many potent anti-fungal ingredients, optimized in specific amounts based on decades of experience. This makes it not only cost-effective but also convenient as it reduces the number of separate pills or tinctures one would have to take daily.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.