Your Questions Answered: Stool Tests For Bloating, Shortness Of Breath Due To Candida & Reverse Osmosis Sickness

Question: I Have Done Stool Tests And Still Experience Bloating And Gas?

If the stool test was undertaken through a reputable lab like Doctor’s Data or Genova Diagnostics, it would typically provide accurate results. It’s important to understand that not all laboratories maintain the same standards. Some labs, known as “dry labs,” merely churn out generic reports without actual testing. Alarmingly, a significant percentage of labs in America fall into this category, providing misleading information for profit.

If you’ve conducted a comprehensive stool test and it yielded no issues, yet you’re still facing these symptoms, something isn’t adding up. It’s possible that there’s an aspect of your lifestyle or other factors not being considered. We encourage you to revisit the recommendations provided in our book, Candida Crusher. For someone as young as 19-20 years, it’s crucial to ensure all factors are being evaluated properly. Please get in touch for a more detailed assessment so we can collaboratively address the issue.

Question: Can Shortness Of Breath Be Related To Candida?

If someone had a severe yeast infection in the lungs, they would likely be in critical condition. There are numerous causes for shortness of breath, including allergens, blood pressure irregularities, conditions like pneumonia, COPD, and asthma, and factors like anemia or pulmonary embolism. Factors like age, smoking habits, exposure to chemicals or fumes, body weight, and stress can influence breathing patterns. People under stress, for instance, might experience rapid breathing due to the “fight or flight” response. Meanwhile, relaxed breathing is more associated with the “rest and digest” mechanism. There’s also “respiratory acidosis”, where rapid breathing occurs when the blood is too acidic. Issues like adrenal fatigue and asthma can lead to shortness of breath too. While there could be a potential connection between immune dysfunction and Candida causing breathing issues, it isn’t commonly observed as a primary cause.

Question: Can Reverse Osmosis Make Me Feel Ill? What Should I Do?

I have a reverse osmosis water system at home which I use for cooking. However, drinking it in large quantities makes me feel ill, dehydrated, and have heartburn. Currently, I mostly drink tap water and have heard that our local tap water is of good quality. I’ve also heard that bottled water isn’t ideal. What should I do?”

Firstly, it’s important to determine the quality of your reverse osmosis filter. High-quality RO filters shouldn’t cause any of the symptoms you’ve described. Consider checking the filters or possibly replacing the system if it’s old. I haven’t encountered cases where a reverse osmosis filter would cause dehydration or heartburn. It’s possible you may have an underlying gut issue that needs to be addressed. I’d suggest getting tested for helicobacter pylori and discussing other potential symptoms with your healthcare provider, such as bloating, gas, and fatigue. Additionally, the quantity of water you’re drinking can play a role. Ensure that you are consuming an appropriate amount for your body’s needs.

If the problem persists even after checking the reverse osmosis system, it might not be the water causing the issue. Water typically doesn’t induce severe reactions. Therefore, it’s essential to look into other factors or health conditions that might be contributing to your symptoms.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for general knowledge purposes. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making changes to your water consumption or if experiencing health issues.