Your Questions Answered: Sensitive To Magnesium, Inexpensive Home Blood Test & Air Fryer For Cooking Healthy Food

Question: I need you to help me find out why I’m very sensitive to magnesium supplement. When i take it I always get joint pain and itching and my sleep disrupted although I use good quality such as ( glycinate – melate ) then i switch to ( citrate ) and I’m sensitive to them all. Hope you read it and give an answer ( thanks a lot)

As we become exposed to more toxins in our environment, less diversity in our food system, more antibiotics and gut-flora-disrupting pharmaceuticals, we’re seeing a significant rise in health issues such as Auto-Immune and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Hypersensitivity to magnesium is very rare since our body requires magnesium for more than 600 enzymatic reactions and there is little clinical documentation of it. Magnesium is a natural anti-inflammatory, it’s key in histamine metabolism and naturally reduces histamine production. However an inflammatory response to magnesium can manifest as a rash or urticaria, difficulty breathing, rhinitis, dizziness, and some swelling. Keep in mind that magnesium is necessary in the body for proper detoxification, therefore, may cause detoxification symptoms with its use. Detoxification symptoms include headache, fatigue, brain fog, body ache, and other similar ailments. It may be possible to still supplement with magnesium despite a sensitivity.

Many of the allergic responses to magnesium seem to be a result of simply getting too much magnesium at once. Using smaller, more mild dosages, trying different types of compounds, and building up your internal magnesium stores slowly, are all things to consider if you are dealing with a mild allergic reaction to magnesium. here are over 20 different forms of magnesium available as supplements – depending on your reaction, you could try switching to a different form. However, please consult with your physician should you decide to explore that route. Try diluting the supplement in water or use a topical diluted magnesium in baths. Hypersensitivity to magensium supplement generally does not include magnesium-rich foods so you can work with a dietitian to plan out a diet that is rich in magnsium (leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds, cacao, fish).

Question: Is there an inexpensive home blood test for mold and antibody test for females to pin point which type of yeast in their system.

If you suspect a Candida yeast infection it is best to test with a reliable diagnosic test. A Candida infection starts producing elevated antibody levels which can be measured with a blood test. A Candida antibody panel checks for three different types of antibodies to Candida albicans, Candida IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies. The Candida Antibodies test is typically ordered by a person who is experiencing symptoms associated with Candida or believes they are at risk for infection. You can also order specific antibodies for example just IgA for Candida is also available which is more economical. Labcorp offers both the thorough 3 antibodies for 179, a qualitative test for 99 and just the igA for 59. The best test (but more expensive) to confirm yeast overgrowth is the comprehensive digestive stool test. This test will provide information on how you digest, metabolize, and absorb nutrients, as well as report all microbial flora including beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and intestinal parasites. DirectLabs, Genova and Doctor’s Data offer the best comprehensive stool tests.

You can also perform a stool culture to look for microscopic yeast, but it is best to do more than one stool test to be able to confirm yeast presence. Finally an organic acids urine test that includes d-arabinitol markers can indicate yeast overgrowth. The OAT looks for various fungal toxins, including specific markers for candida, as well as other fungus such as mold and yeast. The OAT is less expensive than a comprehensive stool test and is excellent at detecting the presence of candida, mold and yeast toxins in urine. The OAT from Great Plains (around 325 dollars) evaluates over 70 urinary metabolites that can be useful for discovering other pathogen infections like bacteria. They also have a MycoTOX Profile (for mold exposure) at also 325 dollars and a igG food map with Candida and yeast to check food sensitivities and allergies to Candida (249).

Question: I want to ask for your thoughts on Air fryers. We are clearing out our freezer and pantry now as we don’t want our grandsons eating hotdogs etc either. We ditched our deep fryer long ago now we cook our Dutch croquette’s in our air fryer as occasional treat with NO processed meat. No longer have olè bollen.

Despite the name, air fryers don’t technically fry food. Think of them as mini convection ovens. They use a fan to blow hot air around a basket that contains your food. This results in foods that crisp up quickly on the outside while staying moist in the middle. The benefit of using an air fryer is that you can cook foods with minimal or no oil. Even healthier oils, including olive oil and avocado oil, contain a lot of calories. When you’re frying food, those calories can add up quickly. Conventional fried foods are also high in refined vegetable oils that when heated to high temperature can become oxidized and be harmful to your health, raising cholesterol and incresing your risk of heart disease.

You can fry many things in an air fryer including meats like fish, chicken or tofu, vegetables, and fries. You can even put homemade cookies or desserts. Air fryers are only as healthy as the food you put inside so putting bacon or chicken wings might not be the healthiest alternative, rather stick to better options like vegetables and lean proteins. Think of the air fryer as a way to enhance healthier foods, so they’re even more tempting. Air fryers are a great tool to enhance your health by enjoying more often healthier alternatives to fried food, so it’s a great addition to any kitchen and lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.