Your Questions Answered: Positive FOB Test Meaning, Why Kidney Doctors Don’t Give Medication & Herbs To Avoid While On Dialysis

Question: What does a positive FOB test mean in terms of my UC? I’ve been 6 months on a healing diet and I haven’t had a flare or visible blood , however I still have soft bowels and occasional diarrhoea. Does that mean I’m still not healed ?

A positive FOB (fecal occult blood) test indicates the presence of occult blood in your stool. The term ‘occult blood’ means you can not see it with your naked eye. So, even if there is no visible blood in your stool, it is still possible to get a positive FOB test result. The presence of occult blood in the stool suggests there is bleeding in the digestive tract. The bleeding might be caused due to a variety of conditions, ulcerative colitis being one of them. Since you are already diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, and have started a healing diet, I would advise you to allow some time for your body to heal. Ulcerative colitis occurs due to the ulceration of the delicate mucosa of the intestine. The time taken for the mucosa to heal completely varies depending on the extent and duration of ulceration. You have also mentioned that you still have soft bowels and occasional diarrhea.

This suggests that your intestine has not healed completely. Also, after damaged tissues are repaired, it would still take a few more weeks for your intestines to regain their normal functions. Hence, I would advise you to continue with the diet to allow the intestine to heal taking its own course. At the same time, you can also undergo colonoscopy once or twice every year to monitor colon health. Colonoscopy allows direct visualization of the inside of the colon. It will give you a better idea of how your healing diet is working. Hence, do not rely just on the FOB test result and take into consideration your symptoms and the results of a colonoscopy to understand how well your bowels are healing.

Question: I have chronic kidney disease (not on dialysis) and all the kidney doctors I’ve been to don’t want me to take any supplements. I ignore them. However, when I look up information on herbs to avoid with kidney disease, black walnut and paud’arco are always on every list. I have done a comprehensive stool analysis and know I have candida, blastocystis and most likely SIBO. I must address this situation as my health is going downhill. I know you can’t give me medical advise but will I harm my kidneys more taking black walnut and pau’darco? No doctor is going to give me the green light when they don’t believe in supplements. Have you had any customers with CKD use your product? Any information would be helpful. I can’t believe I’m the only one out here with other health issues that wants to use your products.

There are some studies, which suggest that the use of black walnut and paud’arco may not be safe for patients with kidney diseases. However, most studies have pointed out that the adverse effects on the kidney functions were noted only when these herbs were used in a very high dose. Pau d’arco might become toxic and cause damage to the kidneys when taken in doses higher than 1.5 grams or 1,500 milligrams. Similarly, black walnut may cause kidney damage due to the tannin content in it, only when used in a very high dose. Most supplements that have black walnut and paud’arco do not exceed the safe dosage limits.

Moreover, studies have revealed that black walnut and paud’arco can reduce inflammation, improve gut flora (especially in patients with SIBO), fight fungal infections, improve immunity, and reduce oxidative stress. So, the benefits of using these herbs outweigh the possible risks. So, you may use them without worrying about their impact on the kidneys. However, to mitigate the risks further, you can choose supplements that are effective for managing fungal infections like candida, blastocystis, and SIBO and do not have these herbs. Canxida Rebuild could be a safe and effective supplement for you. It does not contain black walnut and paud’arco. It is formulated to support digestive and immune defenses against fungi and improve SIBO symptoms without producing adverse effects on the kidneys. Hope this helps.

Question: I recently have had an episode of severe swelling all over my body that felt like reactive arthritis or excess oxalates.My arthritis symptoms have 80% resolved – but I am of course concerned about it recurring and the last of it resolving completely. 1. Do you have any information on Candida and swollen glands (doctor just says they are working) that go up and down also sore throat but I use colloidal silver and triphala to gargle and it takes the soreness away. My fear is it has changed to a fungal form which is harder to eliminate. Is there a test that I should have (limited funds on carers pension). Doctor has not found any issues on routine blood tests but I know they are only quite basic in the approach to inflammation.

Hi, The swelling in the joints and the excess oxalates are less likely to be directly related to fungal infections or sore throat. Since your arthritis symptoms have 80% resolved, you may continue with the treatment you are receiving for the same. You can also include non-weight bearing exercises in your routine and avoid foods rich in oxalates to avoid a recurrence. This will be helpful for managing your arthritis symptoms. As far as candida, swollen glands, and sore throat are concerned, you can continue using colloidal silver and Triphala gargle.

It will lower inflammation in the throat, reduce swelling and phlegm, and clear the infection. You can also get your throat swab test done in a laboratory and request a culture (it should not cost much) to check the possible cause of infections. This will help you receive the most appropriate treatment and allow you to avoid a recurrence. Hope this helps you manage your health issues.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation, especially Vitamin D, is safe and beneficial based on your specific health circumstances and requirements. This approach ensures that any supplementation undertaken is not only safe but also beneficial in bolstering your health.