Your Questions Answered: Other Supplements For Candida, Timeframe To See Improvements & Nystatin Vs CanXida Remove

Question: Can I buy other supplements like oregano oil, coconut oil and multivitamins along with CanXida? Or is CanXida range good enough?

Our CanXida products are meticulously formulated to provide a comprehensive blend of essential nutrients, targeting specific health concerns. Given the quality and breadth of ingredients in our products, most of our customers find that there’s no need to purchase additional supplements like oregano oil, coconut oil, or multivitamins when using CanXida.

However, every individual’s health needs are unique. If you have specific concerns or conditions, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your supplement regimen. We’re here to support your health journey, so please let us know if you have any further questions.

Question: What is the timeframe to see improvements after taking canxida? Does it work for everyone and can it make my symptoms worse?

Based on feedback from our customers, many individuals experience positive results after using CanXida products. The timeframe for noticing these improvements can vary significantly due to individual differences in symptoms and the specific protocols each person follows. While most customers report feeling better after using CanXida, it’s important to note that individual responses can differ.

Almost no one has reported their symptoms getting worse with CanXida. However, as with any supplement, reactions can be unique to each individual. Always pay attention to your body’s responses and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or unexpected reactions.

Remember that everyone’s body is unique, and while CanXida has been beneficial for many, it’s always essential to monitor how you feel and consult with a health expert if needed.

Make sure to check our Candida Case Studies.

Question: I went to see my doctor and he prescribed me nystatin, is that a good solution for candida? What’s the difference between Canxida remove and nystatin?

Nystatin is a pharmaceutical antifungal treatment developed primarily for yeast infections. It was discovered in the 1950s by American researchers and is sourced from a particular bacterium, Streptomyces noursei. The drug was named after the New York state laboratory where it was initially isolated and developed.

Nystatin works by disrupting the cell membrane of yeast, causing its contents to spill out, which then allows the immune system to attack it. Its effectiveness is well-documented as it can target various strains of Candida.

However, while it is potent, there are concerns about its use:

  • Side Effects and Die-off: Nystatin can cause severe side effects in some people, with the die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) being particularly intense. This reaction occurs as large amounts of yeast cells die off, releasing their contents. The immune system then attacks these contents, causing an inflammatory response. The resulting symptoms can be severe and uncomfortable, making the person feel very unwell.
  • Allergic Reactions: Another concern is that some patients may have an allergic response to Nystatin.
  • Usage Concerns: Taking too much Nystatin too quickly can lead to these severe reactions. It’s crucial to be cautious and go slowly when starting on antifungals, especially potent ones like Nystatin.
  • Target Specificity: While Nystatin is effective against yeasts, it does not necessarily target other pathogens that might be present. It’s worth noting that people with Candida often have a combination of bacterial, fungal, and yeast imbalances. Therefore, using a treatment that solely targets yeast may not address the entire issue.

Though Nystatin can be used cautiously for certain infections like vaginal yeast infections and skin infections, it might not be the ideal choice for everyone. Natural antifungals can offer a broader spectrum of action and might be better tolerated by some individuals.

While Nystatin is effective for treating certain yeast infections, it’s essential to be aware of its potential side effects and the importance of careful dosing. It may be beneficial to consider natural antifungals as an alternative, especially if targeting a broader spectrum of pathogens is desired.

CanXida Remove Vs Nystatin


Nystatin is poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. This means it travels through the entire digestive system without being substantially absorbed, acting as an antifungal agent along its path. This unique characteristic gives it a powerful effect, especially when the dosage is increased.

Due to its potency, Nystatin has the potential to cause Herxheimer reactions. These reactions can range from very mild to extreme, leading to emergency room admissions in some cases. This is because as Candida dies off rapidly, it can release toxins, triggering these reactions.

Nystatin has a singular mode of action. It solely targets yeast and has no effect on bacteria or parasites.

CanXida Remove Formula RMV

Unlike Nystatin, CanXida Remove is well-absorbed. This means it does not have the same aggressive, direct-path impact that Nystatin does.

CanXida Remove stands out due to its multifaceted formula. Containing 12 natural ingredients, it is a much more intricate product than Nystatin.

CanXida Remove addresses a broader spectrum of gut issues. While Nystatin solely targets yeast, CanXida Remove works against yeast, bacteria, parasites, and various imbalances in the body. It’s designed to handle multiple simultaneous issues in the gut, making it particularly effective for people with a combination of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and Candida.

CanXida Remove generally has a lower potential for causing severe aggravations compared to Nystatin.

Criteria CanXida Remove Nystatin
History and Development Modern supplement with 12 natural ingredients. First launched in 2013 after decades of clinical experience by Eric Bakker Discovered in 1954 by Rachel Fuller and Elizabeth Brown from a Streptomyces bacteria.
Usage Addresses a broad spectrum of gut issues. Used extensively since the 1950s to treat yeast infections.
How It Works Well-absorbed, addressing a range of issues in the gut. Poorly absorbed by the GI tract, focusing on treating yeast infections throughout the digestive system.
Potential Side Effects Lower potential for severe aggravations. Potential for severe Herxheimer reactions.
Specificity Works against yeast, bacteria, parasites, and various imbalances. Only targets yeast, has no effect on bacteria or parasites.
Concurrent Use with the other product Not recommended to be taken with Nystatin. Not recommended to be taken with CanXida Remove.

Which One Should You Choose?

  • Nature of Infection: If you’re solely dealing with a yeast problem, Nystatin can be effective. But, if you’re managing more complex issues like imbalances of beneficial bacteria, SIBO, and Candida simultaneously, CanXida Remove might be the better choice due to its broader range of action.
  • Tolerance: Given the potential for severe Herxheimer reactions with Nystatin, those with a lower tolerance might be better suited to CanXida Remove.
  • Concurrent Use: It’s essential to note that taking CanXida Remove in conjunction with Nystatin is not recommended.

In conclusion, both CanXida Remove and Nystatin have their strengths. The best option largely depends on the individual’s specific health condition and tolerance. As always, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional when choosing a treatment approach.

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The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.