Your Questions Answered: MEVY Diet With CanXida Remove, Asthma Meds With Candida & What Is Aspergillus Mold

Question: I am following the recommended diet ( MEVY Diet – 2 meals/day with intermittent fasting 16 hours) along with Canxida Remove 2 tabs/day with food for 4 weeks now, tried Canxida Restore but it was hard on my body! Can I take restore 1 or 2 times a week only and still benefit from it?

Candida die-off can be very hard on the body. If you started taking antifungals and following a strict diet, chances are you are expelling many toxins from your system. Ideally you don’t want to put too much stress on your body when you have just begun the diet and supplements. Focus on the diet and antifungals first, and be more mindful about any symptom when introducing different foods. Probiotics and antifungals are both powerful elements of the Candida treatment plan, so it’s really important to leave enough time between starting each of these phases. The reason is that both probiotics and antifungals will cause a yeast die-off, so to start courses of both at the same time for some people can be very challenging. My suggestion would be to start introducing probiotics slowly (one to two times a week) and notice any changes in symptoms and overall health. Be careful with fermented foods since some can have large doses of probiotic and wild yeast that can create die-off symptoms as well. You will still get all the benefits if you do lower doses, and it a good strategy to support your detoxification organs and to avoid unpleasant symptoms from die-off.

Question: How do I combat yeast if I have to take daily asthma meds now that creates environment for yeast to grow? I rinse mouth after meds with opened capsule of 1 Canxida restore and I take another and swallow it.

Candida infections occur because the corticosteroids inhalers that depress the immune system in the lungs have the same effect on the surface of the throat. With a typical inhaler most of the drugs ends up on your throat on its way to the lungs. Unfortunately, this makes the surface area in these areas more prone to pathogenic microbes such as Candida spp. Candida spp. can be sometimes difficult to treat as it can supress our immune system and creates a protective wall around called a biofilm. Prolonged use of antifungal medications can also make it resistant to treatment, allowing infections to persist and thrive in the body. Always rinse your mouth with water, gargle and spit after inhaling doses of steroids. Brushing your teeth can be useful. A spacer can be used with inhaled steroids to increase the amount going into the lungs instead of in the mouth and throat, reducing your risk of getting thrush.

Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal agent so brushing your teeth with a tea tree toothpaste or gargling with a tea tree mouth rinse can provide further protection. Diet should be based on natural, fresh wholefoods. Lots of serves of vegetables with good quality protein from fresh fish, lean meat, nuts, seeds and legumes. Refined sugar, sweets, soft drinks and alcohol all encourage the growth of candida. Probiotics have also been shown to be helpful against Candida and using a good quality high-strength formula like Canxida Restore is very useful. Restore has 6 probiotic strains and additional systemic enzymes to disrupt Candida biofilms. Anti-fungal herbs like garlic, oregno, cprylic acid (busts biofilms) in CanXida Remove can all help eradicate yeast cells. Taking both Restore and Remove together ensures maximum potency and broad spectrum action against all Candida species.

Question: Is there a way to make sure that I no longer have the Penicillium, aspergillus mold spores in my lungs any more, after having recovered from inhaling Penicillium mold spores from the HVAC unit in the home we rented for 8 years? I ask because I found out that this mold was what put me in the hospital in 2019 in a medically induced coma. I have been bronchial asthmatic since childhood & suffer with hay fever & am deathly allergic to penicillin. It nearly killed me as a child. I’ve had pneumonia twice as a child & once as an adult. This penicillium mold issue in 2019 my doctors diagnosed as Hypersensativity Pneumonitis. We found the mold by doing 2 mold test kitsch in our rented home. My doctors still deny that it was due to penicillium, aspergillus mold, even though I showed them the laboratory results of both mold tests.

The species Aspergillus causes symptoms that resemble those of candidiasis. Penicillium is a genus of fungi, which commonly grows on many food products like cocoa beans, coffee beans, cereals, peanuts, and dried fruits. In general, Penicillium species have low pathogenicity however in some cases high levels are associated with increased risk of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders like Lupus, Hashimoto, Chron’s and arthittis. Aspergillus and Penicillum are both potential pathogens, meaning they are opportunisit and can become pathogenic when present in high levels. Treatment for these two pathogens is ideal to restore gut balance.

A comprehensive approach is necessary to reduce the overgrowth of pathogenic organisms. It is vital to support the immune, digestive, and liver function. It is recommended to take probiotics, these healthy bacteria will compete with these fungi in the intestines, taking away their resources and outcrowding them, resulting in a re-balancing of the microflora. Finally you can support you liver with a good multivitamin like CanXida Rebuild formulated with additional gut barrier compounds to help heal leaky gut which includes glutamic acid, slippery elm, ginger root, bereberine, zinc and B vitamins.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, health control, or exercise program.