Your Questions Answered: Macular Degeneration’s Connection To Candida, How To Take Anise Seeds For Candida & Severe Itching in My Private Parts

Question: This might sound like a strange question, but desperate times call for desperate measures! Do you have any idea if macular degeneration and Candida could be connected? I had a test which indicated I have a lot of yeasts in my digestive system and about six months ago I was diagnosed with macular degeneration in my left eye.

Macular degeneration and Candida are not directly linked. The occurrence of these 2 conditions together can possibly be due to other co-existing diseases like diabetes. Diabetes is known to increase the risk of candida. The increase in the blood sugar level can create a favorable internal environment in your body thus facilitating the growth of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. Similarly, the risk of macular degeneration can also increase when you have diabetes, usually by contributing to the damage to the retina.

The retina is a highly sensitive part of the eyes and the macula is a part of the retina. Diabetes, when not properly controlled, can cause edema/swelling of the macula by damaging the walls of the blood vessel. These blood vessels leak fluid into the macula causing it to become swollen. If not diagnosed at the early stages, macular edema can become worse resulting in macular degeneration. It is a slowly progressive condition that can affect your eyesight. Other than diabetes, poor general health and weak immunity can also predispose you to develop both candida infection and macular degeneration through various mechanisms, although these 2 conditions do not seem to be directly linked. I would advise you to check your blood sugar level to find out if you have diabetes. If you are already diagnosed with diabetes, make sure you take your medication and monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. This would help reduce your risk of both candida infection and macular degeneration. Also, visit your ophthalmologist regularly to monitor your eye health.

Question: I watched the video CanXida posted on Anise seeds. He advises up to 20grams are safe for consumption. I was going to take 1 tablespoon of seeds, grind them up and add to foods throughout the day. Am I on the right track with this?

Yes, Anise seeds can be great for your health. You can use whole seeds or crushed or ground seeds. If you are planning to use the ground seeds, you can measure the amount to be added to your meals on a daily basis. You can include about 2 to 3 tablespoons of ground anise seeds in your meals per day. If your digestion is weak or if you are having frequent bloating, or constipation, you may increase the dose slightly to thrice a day. Make sure you set aside the total daily dose every day and add it to your dishes as and when you wish.

This will help you ensure you are getting the minimum required amount to derive the best benefits while not exceeding the limit. Using crushed seeds can also be a convenient option to use this remedy when you are outside. You can easily carry the powder with you and sprinkle it on your coffee or even sandwich and salad. It will add a sweet and mildly spicy tinge to your dishes and make them more flavorful. For cooking purposes, you can add crushed anise seeds to the fillings for apple pies, dough when making baked goods, or ground meat before baking. You can use a pinch of crushed seeds to flavor drinks like hot chocolate. You can also add it to the pickle during preparation.

Question: I have sever candidiasis : sometimes I feel heart burn and itching in vulva with white patches and painful sex and bad mood ,no energy,calf twitching,peri follicular hemorrhage,keratosis pilaris (sub clinical vitamin c deficiency) I’m a pharmacist and I do my own natural drugs so I take my drug but I stop it because I’m pregnant now , I eat healthy but I think get candidaisis as I pass a very hard stressful period in my life for 2 years and my sleeping wasn’t good .now I really feel fatigue no energy bad mood is this a reaction between Candida and pregnancy tell me dr Eric what I can do to overcome this ,I’m thinking about taking coconut oil to get rid of this infection is it safe during pregnancy or I will increase the herxhiemer reaction ?

It is possible that your symptoms are linked to mental stress and diabetes. If you are having severe symptoms of candidiasis for a few weeks, I would advise you to get your blood sugar levels checked to rule out gestational diabetes. Your symptoms of heartburn could be due to poor digestion or a diet high in fats and spicy foods. Avoid eating fried foods and include foods having a high amount of fibers in your diet to get rid of these symptoms. Also, eat soft and mild foods to avoid hyperacidity and ease digestion. Make sure you follow the best hygienic practices like keeping the parts clean and dry to avoid itching in the vulva, white patches, and painful sex. These symptoms often become worse during pregnancy. It is more common during the first and last few months of pregnancy. So, you need to take special precautions to ensure these parts are clean and dry. You can try stress-relieving methods like yoga and meditation to improve your mood and avoid stress.

Stress can make your immunity weaker and even elevate your blood sugar levels. It can also cause hormonal imbalances. Give yourself enough time to focus on improving your mental health. You can go for a walk, watch your favorite shows, or just spend some quality time with your loved ones. Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juice (without adding sugars) to cleanse your body and eliminate toxins. This will improve your energy levels and also ease digestive symptoms. Set a fixed bedtime routine and go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This will improve your sleep in just a few days. Do not worry. Just focus on what you like to do and think positive. This will help you enjoy a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

Disclaimer: This information aims to be a helpful reference point but it is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or adopting new practices to ensure they are safe and suitable for your unique health circumstances.