Your Questions Answered: Leaky Gut With Arthritis, Steroid Hindering Candida Recovery & Functional Gut Test

Question: I think I have leaky gut and the symptoms that give me troubles are a.) arthritis (wrists, hands, ankles, toes) and b.) back pain. For more than 1,5 years I have been seeing doctor after doctor including a rheumatologist. The blood is within the norm, meaning seronegative. I did a food inflammation test which finally showed something: Restricted Foods 4+ Items: Cantaloupe, 3+ Items: Whea (Gliadin), Wheat(Gluten), 2+ Items: Wheat(Whole), Casein, Egg Yolk, Cilantro. The interesting part is that I don’t have the classic gut problems, but I have Arthritis, Back Pain.

There is an increasing amount of research on the gut microbiome and how microorganisms living in your gut can have a direct link with autoimmune diseases like arthritis. A yeast overgrowth can quickly weaken your immune system and leave you vulnerable to diseases. There are many studies on Candida and the onset of autoimmune conditions. For example a study found that Candida can aggravate inflammation in arhtitic joints. Candida can cause an inflammatory response by increasing TH17 cells which are responsible for autoimmunity. These are known to play a role in rheumatoid arthritis.

Other studies have identified the particular protein sequence in gluten is similar to the protein in candida yeast and suggest that it may also trigger gluten intolerance. Reducing inflammation in your body is key to getting relief from arthritis, and diet plays an important role. Antinflammatory foods include flaxseeds, wild fish, berries, vegetables and spices like turmeric. Another natural way to reduce inflammation is with the use of probiotics. A high quality probiotic like CanXida Restore includes beneficial bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids which are really good at lowering inflammation. They have many other benefits like crowding out overgrown pathogens like Candida and changing the gut pH, making them a powerful ally to figh Candida.

Question: I’ve experienced persistent Candidiasis despite various treatments and consultations with specialists. I’ve had two Shingles occurrences in June 2020 and July 2021. Currently, I’m on thrice-weekly infusions of AmBisome, which negatively impact my health. My medical history includes chronic cerebrospinal fluid leakage, adrenal gland issues requiring daily steroids, migraines, skin psoriasis, and a history of C-diff and E-Coli. Despite these challenges, I maintain a positive outlook. I’m considering increasing my AmBisome therapy if it remains ineffective. A local naturopath believes steroids hinder my Candidiasis recovery, but I can’t stop taking them due to critical health risks. I’m seeking advice on whether your products would suit my situation. Thank you for your guidance.

AmBisome is an antifungal medication which binds and destroys the cell membrane of susceptible fungi. AmBisome has shown to be effective against fungal organisms like Aspergillus, Candida including albicans and tropicalis. AmBisome also has lower nephrotoxicity which means it is safer for the kidneys. Your case is very complex and I would strongly advice to follow directions from a health care proffesional, since the microorganisms you mentioned are very serious and you are referring to a complex dysbiosis involving bacteria, fungi and yeast. The first line of treatment suggested by your doctor should be followed however if you are still feeling symptoms after correctly following the treatment, you can still benefit from a gut-healing protocol which will restore balance in your gut flora and support you gut immunity which is crucial for fighting systemic infections. Repopulating with beneficial bacteria will help displace the overgrowth of pathogens and compete against them.

Question: I recently did a functional gut stool test and a functional full nutrient/toxin/etc blood and urine test as well. I haven’t been feeling like myself for 5 months now after getting an infection and having to take a lot of antibiotics for the first time. I suspected I could have some candida going on back in August but doctors thought it wasn’t necessary and didn’t think that was of importance. After more strange symptoms and more antibiotics it just lead to more strange symptoms. Candida didn’t show in my stool test at all, but for the nutrient urine/blood test, under Yeast/Fungal markers for D-Arabinitol (Candida) it shows it’s pretty high. It’s just about in the red zone when it should be at the beginning of the green zone. And Citramalic Acid (Yeast) is just about in the yellow zone when it should also be in the green zone. Would you say Candida/Yeast is definitely present somewhere in the body based on this? Ive also done a regular vaginal/urine test just recently at the doctors which came back normal. If it is present, what would be the explanation of it not being present in stool or vaginal swabs but present in a blood test?

Low concentrations of candida albicans can be found on human mucosa of mouth and throat, genital area and gastrointestinal tract. In case of weak immune systems or bacterial flora disorders (after a course of antibiotics) the fungus proliferates and leads to candidiasis. D-arabinitol is a sugar alcohol produced specifically by Candida species. D-arabinitol serum levels increase if candida yeasts proliferate within the organism and cause invasive Candidiasis. D-arabinitol is a useful marker for diagnosis of candidiasis. Positive D-arabinitol values are also observed a few days or weeks before positive blood cultures.

D-arabinitol has been used as a functional indicator of relevant clinical Candida overgrowth. A high level of this marker is indicating candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth is associated with nutrient malabsorption and immune system suppression. Candida inflames the intestinal mucosa and irritates the gap junctions by downregulating the zonulin pathway. This allows for candida along with a myriad of toxins to exit the intestines and an immune response is elicited. This chronic immune system activation is linked to a weakened immune system. Candida can also cause nutritional deficiencies such as B6, Magnesium and essential fatty acids.

Stool and vaginal swabs have different parameters of how much yeast can be present under normal circumstances because Candida is commonly found in these places. However high levels of D-arabinitol and citramalic acid (both Candida metabolites) in the blood should nover be present and indicate that Candida is causing intestinal permeability allowing its metabolic by-products (toxins) to escape from the gut to the blood stream creating inflammation and unpleasant symptoms. Even though Candida may be present in mucosal(superficial) regions in “normal” amounts, D-arabinitol alone indictes a clear sign of overgrowth. A high quality probiotic like CanXida Restore alongside antifungal therapy like CanXida Remove is an effective treatment protocol against Candida overgrowth.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.