Your Questions Answered: IBS-C Leading To Anxiety, Unusual Color Urine & Mold Issues In My Body

Question: I was diagnosed with IBS-C and suspect it might be related to consuming contaminated water. My symptoms worsened, leading to anxiety and depression. I found a coach with similar experiences who recommended the CanXida products. While I’ve made progress under his guidance, there are inconsistencies between his advice and the CanXida guidelines. As a college senior without expertise in this area and given that Dr. Bakker is retired, I’m uncertain about managing this alone. I’d like your professional opinion on whether to continue with the coach or rely solely on CanXida’s resources. Thank you for your time and support.

There is some evidence of a connection between Candida and IBS, some people with IBS report feeling better when they change to diets that cut down on the amount of yeast in their bodies. Since yeast feed on carbohydrates like sugar, cutting out on carbohydrates for a short time might be helfpul. It can also be helpful to take probiotics to restore healthy bacteria populations. If you have been diagnosed with IBS C there is a more specific protocol of the low sugar – anti candida diet called low FODMAP. The low FODMAP diet is a diet low in certain carbohydrates that may cause intestinal distress. This diet is designed to help people with irritable bowel syndrome figure out which foods are problematic and which foods reduce symptoms of bloating, gas, etc. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates that the small intestine absorbs poorly. Some people experience digestive symptoms after eating them like cramping, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. High FODMAP foods include: Dairy-based milk, yogurt and ice cream, wheat-based products such as cereal, and bread, beans, some vegetables like artichokes, asparagus, onions and garlic, fruits like apples, cherries, pears. Low FODMAP foods include: eggs, plant-based milks, grains like rice, quinoa and oats, vegetables like eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits such as strawberries and blueberries. So the low FODMAP diet is similar to the anti-cadida diet except Candida is more strict on some grains, beans and fruits which have sugars that can feed potential yeast overgrowth.

Taking a prebiotic is also shown to be very beneficial with people with IBS.  Prebiotic fibers high FODMAP ingredients that are usually well tolerated in healthy individuals but not so much in people with IBS or Candida overgrowth. Speak with a health professional or naturopath if you want to follow the low FODMAP elimination diet. If this does not resolve symptoms I recommend antifungal therapy like CanXida Remove alongside the CanXida Restore formula with probiotics and digestive enzymes to restore gut health balance which might be the cause of some symptoms.

Question: I’ve been trying various methods for almost 2 years to heal my gut, including diet, supplements, meditation, yoga, and consulting with health professionals, but haven’t seen significant improvement. The hospital diagnosed me with impaction and constipation. Taking laxcido seems to exacerbate my symptoms. I react badly to many things, even seemingly unrelated like eye drops or dental X-rays, with symptoms like dizziness, headaches, and mood swings. My urine color is unusual and I urinate frequently without a UTI. A recent procedure showed no bladder issues, but an external wall pressing on it. I’m struggling with my diet since many foods cause reactions due to high histamine levels, food intolerances, and yeast infections. I’ve lost significant weight and am struggling to regain it, especially since I can’t eat many common foods like nuts and avocados. Can laxcido sugar-free negatively affect my microbiome? I’ve been diagnosed with various gut issues, and my ears and stool have concerning symptoms. I’m desperate for guidance, especially on regaining weight.

It is crucial to aid in the mechanical process of removing harmful toxins from vrious microbes that are prepped for excretion. Ensuring proper elimination and bowel regularity, requires fiber, water intake and probiotics. Each day the body goes without having a bowel movement is allowing toxins from the bowel to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. Slow transit time can ultimately lead to inflammation, leaky gut, and food intolerances. Laxatives are fine for occasional constipation, however, for chronic conditions, it’s best to address the root causes. High fiber foods such as leafy greens, beans and seeds can promote healthy motility and elimination. If constipation is still a problem, then taking a natural fiber supplement is a safer way to reduce transit time through your gut. Look for whole foods source of fiber like psyllium husk (10 grams/d) and ground flax seeds (1 tbsp/d) to promote healthy detox.

Fiber may make symptoms worse if your constipation is caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics help to correct the bacterial imbalances that underlie many cases of constipation. Several studies have shown that probiotics: Significantly improve stool frequency, and improve intestinal transit time and stool consistency. Look for a blend of Lactobacillus & bifidobacterium species like CanXida Restore with multiple highly researched strains. You can also try adding Saccharomyces Boulardii (a healthy fungus that competes with Candida). For some patients, probiotics offer a partial solution, and adding a prokinetic agent with a probiotic helps the migratory muscle complex move waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Herbal antimicrobials like CanXida Restore can also help eliminate pathogenic microorgnisms and management of digestive function. Finally ensure half your body weight in ounces of water daily during your cleanse, more if you are constipated.

Question: I am about to be fired from my job for not taking the covid vaccines, I have had mould in my body and fungus in my lungs (last report says lungs are now clear)…(from mould exposure) I have been following you diet (MEVY) and am Leary about putting synthetic drugs (somewhat experimental) into my system.Do you have any thoughts on Covid vaccine that you would be willing to share from a Naturopaths perspective- re: mould exposure/ covid vaccines?

New research has found that exposure to the most common variety of mold (black mold) primes the immune system to overreact to respiratory viruses, dramatically increasing the illness’s severity. Molds are a type of fungi that release spores into the air, which are often inhaled by humans. One of the most common varieties of mold is Alternaria alternata (black mold), and people who repeatedly inhale its spores can develop breathing problems over time, such as lung inflammation and asthma. In this study mice exposed to mold had mroe severe symtoms from the virus ( They found that immune cells were unable to attack the flu virus and that their lungs were much more inflammed resulting in more mortality. The good news is that introducing a probiotic in their noses was a succesful treatment.

There is little research on COVID vaccine and potential reactions due to mold exposure. Ideally you want to focus first on getting rid of the mold in your body that is weakening your immune system before being exposed to COVID as it may cause a more severe reaction. COVID-19 has worst outcomes in inmunocompromised people (like from mold exposure). The best approach is to get rid of mold in your environment (do a home insepction and cleaning), add mycotoxin binders such as charcoal or chlorella. Treat both the sinuses and the gut with antimicrobials. CanXida Remove is effective at killing fungus including mold. If you have mold in sinus use a nutribiotic citricidal nasal wash. Probiotics increase the effectiveness of your antifungals and support your immune system. CanXida Restore has 6 researched probiotic strains which restore the health of the gut and help overcrowd the mold. If you have mold in sinus you can also apply probiotics with a q-tip in the outer nasal passage.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.