Your Questions Answered: Gallstones, Systemic Candida & Hives

Question: What Are Gallstones?

Gallstones are tiny formations made from bile, a greenish liquid produced by the liver. They accumulate with various unwanted elements in the body and can either form a sludgy mixture or solidify into stones. These stones vary in size and color. The gallbladder, situated beneath the liver, is responsible for collecting and storing this bile. The primary function of bile is to help break down and emulsify fats. However, it also serves as a pathway for the body to expel waste.

The gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine through a bile duct. While this green liquid plays a crucial role in fat digestion, it’s also instrumental in eliminating toxins from the body. Gallstones form when pigments, dead cells, and other debris accumulate in the gallbladder. An individual can have just a few or thousands of gallstones. Notably, females, especially those who are pregnant or on oral contraceptives, are more prone to developing gallstones than males. In the western world, many have gallstones, but only about 10 to 15 percent experience discomfort due to them. Even fewer seek medical intervention because of gallstone-related pain.

For a comprehensive understanding, it’s crucial to delve deeper into the diagnostics, treatment, and other relevant information on gallstones. To gain more insights, refer to our book, Candida Crusher.

Question: What Is Systemic Candida?

There’s a common misconception that many individuals have systemic Candida, believing it to be present everywhere in their bodies. However, it’s essential to differentiate between a yeast infection and invasive Candida. While Candida can naturally exist in our gut or on our skin, it only turns problematic when there’s an imbalance. On the other hand, a systemic yeast infection is severe, mainly affecting immunocompromised individuals, and can be life-threatening. Approximately 40,000 to 50,000 people are hospitalized due to this infection in the U.S. annually. Those at higher risk include individuals with HIV/AIDS, severe diabetes, organ transplants, those undergoing powerful chemotherapy, and patients with significant surgeries, among others. If someone genuinely had systemic Candida, they would likely be in a hospital. Symptoms of this condition include high fever and extreme illness. There’s a misunderstanding among some doctors, who think only those with diseases like AIDS can get Candida, leading to confusion. Many mistakenly believe they have systemic Candida when they might be experiencing the repercussions of a yeast infection in the gut.

Question: Is It Possible For A Yeast Overgrowth To Lead To Hives?

Hives represent a strong immune response, often related to histamine production which can lead to symptoms like swelling, itching, and redness. It is crucial to understand the immune system imbalance rather than just treating the symptoms of hives. Many individuals with recurring hives turn to antihistamines for relief. However, a deeper look often reveals elevated cortisol levels or underlying stress. Another observation is a strong family history of hives, suggesting a potential genetic predisposition to allergies, even from minor allergens.

While there isn’t concrete evidence to suggest that individuals with Candida are more susceptible to hives, there’s a noted connection between those with recurring hives who take antihistamines and a higher likelihood of developing yeast infections. Determining what comes first, Candida or hives, remains challenging.

For those battling recurring hives, adopting a strict diet that eliminates common allergens can be beneficial. Some of these primary allergens include dairy products, tree nuts, eggs, fish, soy, wheat gluten, oranges, chocolate, and sugar. Additionally, it’s worth noting that some hives medications can suppress vitamin B-12 absorption. It is advisable for those on regular antihistamine treatment to check their B-12 levels.

Understanding and addressing the root causes of hives can help alleviate the symptoms. It’s essential to consider both dietary and lifestyle factors for comprehensive relief.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for informational purposes only. It’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice.