Your Questions Answered: Food Intolerance And Allergy, Insomnia & Not Getting Results From CanXida

Question: What is the difference between food intolerance and allergy?

Food intolerances and food allergies are terms often used interchangeably, but they represent different physiological responses within the body. An allergy involves the immune system and can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening reactions, while an intolerance generally results in digestive disturbances and is not life-threatening. Recognizing the difference between the two is crucial, as management and treatment differ significantly. Let’s delve into the specifics of each:

Aspect Food Intolerance Food Allergy
Definition A difficulty in digesting certain foods, usually due to enzyme deficiencies or sensitivities. An immune system reaction that occurs after eating a specific food, even in small amounts.
Onset Can be gradual and may only occur with large amounts or if the food is consumed frequently. Usually rapid, occurring within minutes to hours after consuming the food.
Symptoms Primarily digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. Can range from mild symptoms like hives and itching to severe symptoms like anaphylaxis, difficulty breathing, and swelling.
Involved System Primarily the digestive system. The immune system.
Management Avoidance of triggering foods or quantities, enzyme supplements. Strict avoidance of allergenic food and carrying emergency medications like epinephrine.
Diagnosis Often through elimination diets and reintroduction, or specific tests for lactose intolerance, etc. Skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges under medical supervision.

While both food intolerances and allergies require a cautious approach to one’s diet, understanding their distinct differences aids in better management and seeking the appropriate medical guidance.

Question: After taking CanXida Remove, I was not able to sleep. Can CanXida cause insomnia?

No, CanXida Remove is not directly known to cause insomnia. However, the body’s response to any supplement can vary from person to person. While CanXida Remove is formulated to support gut health, individual reactions can be influenced by various factors, including overall health, other medications or supplements being taken, and individual sensitivities. If you experience sleep disturbances or other unexpected symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the supplement is suitable for your individual circumstances. Always listen to your body and adjust supplement intake accordingly.

Question: Took CanXIda for 2 months and I didn’t get any results. What am I doing wrong? Or let me put it this way why is it happening? It worked great for my sister and boyfriend but I am not getting results.

When trying to address candida overgrowth, many individuals can find the journey quite challenging. At CanXida many have shared their struggles, detailing how, despite making sincere efforts to combat candida, they’ve seen limited to no results. It’s essential to understand that candida overgrowth and its resolution are multifaceted. Multiple factors can play a role in why one individual may not be benefiting from treatments that work for another. Let’s delve deeper into this.

Why Might Candida Treatments Not Be Effective?

Factors Explanation
Individual Variation Each individual’s body is unique. What works for one person might not work for another due to genetic factors, existing health conditions, and other individual-specific reasons.
Wrong Assumption It’s important not to assume that one has candida overgrowth. Proper testing is essential to identify the exact condition. The symptoms may relate to another underlying issue.
Lack of Beneficial Bacteria Antibiotics can wipe out beneficial bacteria, creating an imbalance. Rebuilding these beneficial bacteria can be just as important as addressing potential candida overgrowth.
Inappropriate Treatment Some treatments, like coconut oil or garlic capsules, might not be potent enough for some individuals. A broad-spectrum approach might be more effective.
Overemphasis on Diet While diet is crucial, focusing only on diet and neglecting other aspects of health (e.g., stress, sleep, and other potential underlying conditions) may not yield desired results.
Emotional and Mental State Continued failures can lead to heightened anxiety, stress, and depression, which can further impact the body’s ability to heal and recover.

The journey to addressing and resolving candida overgrowth is not always straightforward. It requires a comprehensive understanding of one’s health, proper testing, and often, a tailored approach that addresses both the symptoms and root causes. Consulting with a knowledgeable practitioner, getting tested, and ensuring a multi-faceted approach can significantly improve the chances of successfully addressing candida overgrowth.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.