Your Questions Answered: Dirty Shower Water, Staph Infection Linked To Candida & H.Pylori Leading To Candida

Question: Does Poor Quality Shower Water Relate To Increased Visceral Fat, Stress, And Candida?

Bad shower water has raised questions about its potential links to high visceral fats, stress, and candida. When referencing “bad” shower water, it’s unclear if this pertains to visible impurities or perhaps chemicals such as chlorine or fluoride. These chemicals can influence thyroid function, as they belong to the halogens group. Specifically, chlorine might negatively impact thyroid health in some individuals. Meanwhile, fluoride can present its own set of challenges for people. A solution to mitigate these effects could be installing a filter for your shower or the entire property.

However, as for the connection between bad shower water and visceral fat, it’s essential to note that dietary habits likely play a more significant role. Pushing away unhealthy food choices remains an effective approach. As for stress and candida, any correlation may be related to contaminants in the water. If chlorine and fluoride are concerns, we recommend considering a filter.

Question: How Can I Eliminate Staph And Pneumonia Using Enzymes, Antimicrobials, Chelation, And Probiotics?

Protocols often suggest the use of enzymes, followed by anti-microbials, occasional chelation, and concluding with probiotics. Staphylococci bacteria can be notably resistant, especially if associated with pneumonia. A crucial step in management is maintaining balanced cortisol levels, which strengthens the immune system. Imbalances can hint at adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, or other underlying infections. Minor infections, akin to a slow tire leak, can significantly drain energy and cause considerable adrenal stress.

To address these microbial challenges, one should first locate the “hole” or root cause of the problem. Frequent blood and cortisol tests can ensure a robust immune response. Without a healthy immune system, relying solely on supplements or chelation therapies is futile. The effectiveness of chelation is maximized when lifestyle promotes a strong immune response. Using quality digestive enzymes and probiotics simultaneously can enhance digestion, elimination, and immune function. This is the rationale behind our product, CanXida Restore.

For someone battling pneumonia, the emphasis should be on healthy lifestyle choices, including adequate sleep, nutritious food intake, and stress management. Comprehensive stool testing can shed light on gut health. Intravenous therapies, such as Ozone or Vitamin C, can be beneficial for pneumonia. Alternate treatments like barometric pressure chambers or inhaled therapies, including glutathione or Ozone, can be explored for sinus issues. Probiotics are crucial, and a high-quality probiotic formula is always advisable. To successfully tackle such conditions, one should identify the problem, seek appropriate treatment, retest, and persevere. Remember, persistence overcomes resistance.

Question: Does Helicobacter Pylori Lead To Candida Overgrowth?

H. Pylori, a spiral-shaped bacterium that resides in the stomach, does not directly cause Candida. However, it can create an environment allowing Candida to thrive. This bacterium neutralizes stomach acid, leading to symptoms like burping, bloating, and upper GI distress. Those infected with H. Pylori often experience various digestive problems, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and even nausea. These issues can make one susceptible to bacterial imbalances in the gut, allowing Candida to flourish. Indirectly, issues higher in the digestive system can lead to complications lower down. Though H. Pylori doesn’t cause Candida directly, it can set the stage for Candida to gain a strong foothold. To diagnose H. Pylori, we suggest the carbon breath test, which in our view, is the most effective. Before considering treatments, it’s essential to confirm a helicobacter diagnosis.

Disclaimer: Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions regarding your health.