Your Questions Answered: Diagnosed For Candida With Vegan Diet, Bysbiosis With Low Colonisation & Long Term Stomach Pain

Question: Have been on a very clean veggie diet for 5 months. Diagnosed (once again!) for candida. Have also been taking DGL plus,(Pure Encapsulations) for this. For the past few weeks have been experiencing dizziness when I lay down. Can this uncomfortable symptom be attributed to die off? Will your supplements help with the dizziness?

Your gastrointestinal tract requires support in order to stay in good shape. GI tract problems can interfere with your body’s absorption of essential nutrients‚ possibly leading to other health problems. DGL Plus contians deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL)‚ along with several other herbal extracts which help maintain and increase levels of the mucus that comprises your stomach’s protective lining giving some relief to mild stomach acid. Candida overgrowth can lead to symptoms like brain fog, confusion, and dizzines. A chemical named acetaldehyde, one of the toxic metabolites produced by Candida albicans is to blame. Acetaldehyde is the same metabolite of alcohol, so “drunk” symptoms are acetaldehyde causing nerve inflammation and damage. Candida releases many toxins which slow down the liver and can allow for excess acetaldehyde to cicrulate to your nervous system and brain.

You can take CanXida Rebuild which contains important vitamins to support the immune system fight Candida like B vitamins and magnesium and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamin acid and slippery elm to heal your gut. To prevent a die-off reaction, a doctor may suggest starting on a low dose of antifungal medications and probiotics like CanXIda Remove and Restore and then slowly increasing it over time. The following remedies may also be considered when managing symptoms such as drinking enough water to flush out the toxins, eat enoughh fiber to keep the bowels moving, decrease stress levels, and take liver supporting supplements like milk thistle, molybdenum and glutathione or consuming bitter greens in teas, tinctures or salads.

Question: I had a bowel screening. I don’t have candida but have bysbiosis with low colonisation of enterocrossus and lactobacillus. Can you recommend a probiotic to treat this or do I need to go to a nutritional therapist.

Probiotics are an important part of your gut microbiome. Lactobacillus help prevent pathogens from colonising the gut, including the release of antimicrobial substances in response to invaders. They also break down down fiber and phytonutrients in food which have beneficial effects for your health. Lactobacillus even helps to feed other bacteria in your gut, such as Bifidobacterium which help maintain the gut barrier. There are many different species of Lactobacillus, several of which have particular probiotic functions. L. plantarum is thought to help with the prevention and management of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), L. acidophilus has extensive evidence as a probiotic and produces acidophilin which inhibit bacterial growth. L. rhamnosus decreases gut inflammation throughtthe realease of SCFA and many more. Bifidobacteria like B. bifidum are another class of bacteria which have many benefits including supporting gut immunity (and mantaining the gut barrier) lowering cholesterol and helping conditions like eczema and IBS. A high quality probiotic is essential to restore diversity and bring back balance to your gut. In general look for one with both Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, with a large number of srains and with a high amount of CFU (colony forming units). You can also benefit from adding fermented foods in your diet with lactic acid bacteria like kefir and sauerkraut. Feel free to reach out to a nutritional therapist, they might reccomend a more personalized protocol based on your test results.

Question: I had gut and stomach problems last three years I have seen my digestive doctor 15 times i did three times stool test three thyroid test no results i had endoscopy colonoscopy they told me they found small hernia and polyp how I can find the root course of my problem?

Traditional testing has included a stool culture to identify pathogenic bacteria, an ova and parasite test exam to identify parasites, and/or multiple other tests such as antigen tests. These tests are useful, but some bacteria can be hard to grow successfully in culture, some parasites can be missed if present in low numbers, and testing for viruses is not routinely available. Culture tests are also labor-intensive, and it may take 2-3 days or more before a healthcare practitioner has a definitive answer. If a person has a GI infection caused by a less common bacterium, parasite, or virus not included in the pathogen panel, then it will not be detected. Assessing gastrointestinal health with a PCR stool test can provide a lot of insight on the gut environement and help get to the root cause of chronic illness. Comprehensive stool testing relies on microbial PCR assay. This uses exclusively qPCR technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.

PCR microbial assays are an evidence-based tool to profile the microbiome using PCR analysis. Some known brands that use this novel technology include Doctor’s Data GI360™ stool profile which gives a comprehensive analysis of beneficial, dysbiotic, and commensal flora in addition to yeast, parasite and bacterial susceptibility to antimicrobials to get targeted therapies. The GI Microbial Assay Plus or GI-Map test also assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic and viral pathogens.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.