Your Questions Answered: Deep Burp With Acid Reflux, Low Allergy Phase Of The Diet & Producing Too Much Saliva Reason

Question: I have developed a deep burp that comes from my stomach it seems to be associated with reflux but eating or drinking it happens to me all the time.. do you have any such cases that you have helped could you give me some examples of people you have treated who suffer from this specifically and what they did to overcome it.. I am in a lot of trouble?

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can sometimes cause excessive belching by promoting increased swallowing. Chronic belching may also be related to inflammation of the stomach lining or to an infection with H pylori, the bacterium responsible for stomach ulcers. My recommendation would be to make some dietary changes, especially avoiding fried food, alcohol, caffeine and soda which all trigger reflux. Spicy, tomato-based or citrus foods may also cause reflux for some people. Other reflux causes include stress, smoking, a hiatal hernia, magnesium deficiency, H. Pylori infection, and hidden food sensitivities. Work with a naturopath that can help you take the following steps: Get the H. pylori antibody/breath test. If you have H. pylori, you might need antibiotic therapy. Test for IgG food sensitivities. Food intolerances are often the cause of many digestive symptoms.

Get a breath or urine organic acid test to check for small bowel bacterial and yeast overgrowth. If you suspect yeast overgrowth, treat it with an antifungal herb supplement like CanXida Remove. Try supplementing with Betaine HCL and bitter herbs which will help rebalance your stomach acidity which is the first line of defense against pathogens. Include a daily probiotic which repopulates the gut with healthy bacteria. Digestive enzymes can be helpful for treating the symptoms of occasional heartburn, caused by acid reflux, and slow stomach emptying. They also help break down and absorb nutrients in the intestines more efficiently and reduce digestive issues like bloating, gas and diarrhea. CanXida Restore has 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes that promote a healthy gut environment and digestion. To help with restoring gut lining you can take CanXida Rebuild with B vitamins and magnesium (magnesium also helps with reflux) to support the immune system and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamin acid, slippery elm.

Question: I have now started the low Allergy phase of the diet. I am glad to be able to eat some carbs and fruits. Are there limits on the amount of carbs per day? I haven’t seen that mentioned in the candida crusher book. Like, Can I have an avocado per day and also an apple? Am I limited to only 1/3 cup of lentils per day? Or may I have some amaranth toast in the morning and 1/3 cup of lentils at lunch along with some OK poultry or fish. I don’t have venison in my possession. Is organic grass fed beef just as good as venison? My Naturopath isn’t in tune with Dr. Bakker’s diet so I am on my own. I hope you can help.

While there is no strict definition of how many carbs should you be aiming to have in the Candida diet (this amount also depends on your height, weigh, physical activity, etc), anything under 100–150 grams per day is generally considered low carb. This is definitely a lot less than the amount of carbs in the standard Western diet which is around 300 grams. More so than the quantity, the quality of carbs you choose will be more meaningful for overcoming a yeast overgrowth and for life-long healthy sustainable habits. Ideally you want to focus on slow-digesting carbs better known as complex carbs. An easy method of identifying slow-carbs is to follow the glycemic index (GI). Low GI foods <40) will have minimal impact on your blood glucose. For example low GI fruits inlclude cherries, all berries, peaches, pears and apples. Other great complex carbs to start adding are beans such as lentils, chickpeas, mung beans and split peas.

These also have a very low GI compared to most whole grains which will help stabilize your blood sugar levels, and are really high in fiber which is key for good digestion and detoxification. The way you prepare your carbs also has a significant impact on your body, for example sprouting or femrenting whole grains and legumes will improve biovailabilty of many nutrients while lowering the GI. Unripe fruits have less sugars available and will also result in a lower GI. Avocado is one of the best “fruits” you can consume on the Candida, it’s msotly fat with very little carbs so it wouldn’t count as part of your daily fruits and you the high fiber content will help balance blood sugar and improve digestion. Lentils are a great source of protein, 1 cup of cooked lentils has 40 grams of carbs so if that is your main carb source you can still consume 1 cup without exceding the 100-150 grams. 1 slice of amaranth toast has around 25-30 grams of carbs so it’s also a good option. Grass fed beef is a great protein source but try to limit red meat to once a week, instead choose pasture-raised turkey which is a leaner high protein meat. You can find pasture-raised ground turkey which is more versatile to use as meatballs, taco meat, meatloaf and casseroles. Pasture-raised chicken and wild-caught fish are also great protein to focus on the diet.

Question: I would like to hear your thoughts on the opposite problem where I seem to produce to much mouth saliva

Your body makes a lot of saliva each day, in fact around two liters daily, which goes mostly unnoticed because we swallow it unconsciously. We have many salivary glands all over our oral cavity, cheeks, lips and down into the throat. You may either be producing excess saliva or having trouble swallowing the normal amounts your body is making. Either can be a sign to talk to your health care provider. Some common reasons include: You have acid reflux. A sudden rush of saliva happens during reflux when saliva and acid is regurgitated into your mouth, usually along with other symptoms of reflux, like frequent burping, heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth, which are warning signs of GERD. The other reason might be allergies. This comes alongside a runny nose or watery eyes as a defense mechanism against any irritant which in your mouth can cause an overproduction of saliva.

A few medications can also produce excess saliva and some environmental pollutants or hormonal changes (being pregnant) can also cause excess salivation. For GERD it’s important to make dietary changes, fried food, alcohol, caffeine, soda, spicy, tomato or citrus foods cause reflux for some people. Other reflux causes include stress, magnesium deficiency, H. Pylori infection. You may also have hidden food sensitivities. Some great steps are to get the H. pylori antibody/breath test and test for IgG food sensitivities. Get a breath or urine organic acid test to check for small bowel bacterial and yeast overgrowth. For GERD supplementing with Betaine HCL and bitter herbs will help rebalance your stomach acidity. A daily probiotic and digestive enzymes can be helpful for treating the symptoms of reflux and indigestion. CanXida Restore has 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes that promote a healthy gut environment and digestion.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.