Your Questions Answered: Connection Of Gut With Emotions, Aspergillus & Geotrichum

Question: Is There A Connection Between Your Gut And Your Emotions?

Today, we’ll delve into the relationship between mental/emotional health and gut health. It’s been long recognized that there’s a significant gut-brain connection. Recent research validates this, emphasizing the profound impact our gut health can have on our emotional and psychological well-being. A study demonstrated that consuming probiotic yogurt positively influenced mood and cognition. This is attributed to various beneficial bacteria present in the yogurt.

When the gut is compromised, it can lead to several mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, depression, and cognitive deficits. It’s crucial to understand the immense role the gut plays not just in digestion but also in mental and emotional health. For instance, it’s observed that individuals with higher counts of lactobacillus bacteria tend to experience less depression or anxiety than those with lower counts. Moreover, lactobacillus can increase the amount of GABA, a significant hormone to counter anxiety, produced in the digestive system.

The immune system is also intertwined with our feelings and emotions. Beneficial bacteria help regulate the immune system and can reduce inflammatory responses that might adversely affect our mental health. Lately, many stool tests have indicated that a significant number of people have low levels of beneficial bacteria. Rather than being overly concerned with conditions like Candida, it might be more vital to focus on cultivating beneficial bacteria. To address this need, our company CanXida has developed a product called CanXida Restore. It contains the best strains of lactobacillus and bifida bacteria encapsulated in a unique design that ensures delivery to the small intestine. If you experience symptoms like anxiety, depression, or brain fog, consider integrating probiotics into your regimen.

Question: What Is Aspergillus?

Many people are concerned about Aspergillus, but its significance is often exaggerated. This mold is commonly found in sputum or swabs from sinus regions. It has various commercial uses, including the production of citric acid and certain alcoholic beverages, like sake. In fact, 99% of the world’s citric acid comes from Aspergillus. The mold thrives in aerobic environments, which means it prefers places with abundant oxygen, such as the sinuses, throat, and lungs. This might explain why we rarely find it in the digestive system.

If you experience chronic sinus or pulmonary issues, consider getting checked for aspergillosis. This condition, primarily affecting the lungs and sinuses, can arise due to an Aspergillus infection. While Aspergillus might be concerning for some, it’s generally not as severe as certain Candida strains.

Balancing Aspergillus levels in the body can be achieved by adhering to the guidelines outlined in our book, Candida Crusher. We recommend a specific diet and supplements available on to maintain a harmonious balance of molds and yeasts in the body. For more information, kindly refer to our resources on CanXida.

Question: What Is Geotrichum?

While much attention is given to Candida, Geotrichum doesn’t receive as much spotlight, even though it is prevalent.

From various stool test results, we’ve observed that Geotrichum levels tend to be elevated in individuals who consume dairy products, especially soft cheeses like Camembert and brie. Additionally, there appears to be a connection between this yeast and the consumption of certain fruits, especially citrus or sweet fruits. This is evident when analyzing the dietary habits of those with high Geotrichum levels.

Geotrichum can cause a condition known as geotrichosis, which primarily affects the lungs. It’s similar in this respect to another yeast, Aspergillus. Approximately 25 to 30 percent of individuals naturally have Geotrichum present in their gut, much like Candida. However, contrary to popular belief, not everyone has Candida present in their system. The problem arises when these yeasts grow excessively.

Fortunately, we’ve found Geotrichum easier to address than other yeasts like Candida. It responds particularly well to our products: CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore. By consistently using these supplements over a few months, we’ve noticed a significant decrease in Geotrichum levels. However, it’s essential to make dietary adjustments as well.

If you’re experiencing symptoms like sinus issues, coughing, lung problems, or even certain vaginal infections, Geotrichum might be the culprit. It is worth noting that while Candida often gets the limelight, there are numerous other yeast types that could pose problems.

The good news is that yeast imbalances, like those caused by Geotrichum, generally respond positively to dietary changes and supplementation with our CanXida range.

Disclaimer: It’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen.