Your Questions Answered: CanXida While Suffering From Flu, Food Sensitivity Issues & Sulphur Antibiotics For Bacteria

Question: Hi, I have recently been placed on antibiotic in hospital due to Covid-19 omicron positive. Should I continue with the Canxida remove or should I stop while treatment of antibiotic for Covid-19 or even when if I’ve been placed in antibiotic for other reasons?

If you are coming out of a viral infection like COVID, probiotics and natural antimicrobials may have a nice benefit used synergistically. Taking a probiotic with antimicrobial or antibiotic treatment will likely enhance therapy. Co-administration of probiotics along with antibiotics or antimicrobial herbs increases the success rate of treatment. In some studies, the addition of a Lactobacillus probiotic, to the treatment of respiratory viruses significantly lowered treatment time and symptoms. Always consult with a health care provider for complete information about any risks or benefits regarding use of medications and supplements. It’s best to start slowly taking small doses of Remove to avoid taxing the immune system and liver after an intense viral infection.

Probiotics are safer to take while on antibiotics and have a very beneficial transient effect. To maintain the benefit, you’ll probably have to use them at least on and off to maintain a long-term benefit. If your are comming out of a COVID infection it is important to focus on supporting your immune system. You can start incorporating immune-supportive plants like echinacea, elderberry, licorice, and medicinal mushrooms (reishi, shiitake, lion’s mane, turkey tail). It also important to take enough immune-boosting nutrients especially vitamins A, C, D-3 and zinc in sufficient amounts. A multivitamin like CanXida rebuild is key to support healthy mucosal cells and boost your immune system. Make sure to focus on eating a low carbohydrate diet that is immune supportive. Eat a whole foods diet high in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), rich with antioxidants and dietary fiber. Incorporate foods with probiotics, such as yogurt or kefir with live cultures. Always remeber you can support your body as well with adequate sleep, stress management, and excercise.

Question: Why do my mouth and lips burn a little while after eating? Is this a food sensitivity or something else? It doesn’t happen with everything I eat.

There are many reasons your mouth may burn after eating a meal. This burning feeling in the mouth is known as burning mouth syndrome or BMS. If you overbrush, eat something too acidic, or consume food with a sharp edge, the tissues can become damaged. This is especially true if a food or drink is too acidic or salty. If your saliva does not flow freely in the mouth, this is known as dry mouth. Dry mouth may be triggered by certain medicines and hormonal changes. When your mouth is too dry, it may feel like it’s burning. It helps to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Oral thrush can also cause the mouth to burn. Oral thrush is a yeast infection resulting from an overgrowth of Candida that lives in the mucous membranes of the mouth. The most common sign of thrush is white patches that develop on the tongue, cheeks, or lips.

You may also experience soreness, redness or a burning sensation. There are some tips you can do to manage oral candidiasis. Having proper oral hygiene is crucial. Brush your teeth regularly after every meal and change toothbrush frequently. Avoid mouthwash containing alcohol, instead make one from essential oils like peppermint/ spearmint/ tea tree or neem oil. Oil pulling with coconut/ olive oil which have strong antifungal properties. You can also experience a burning sensation in the mouth if you have an allergic reaction to a specific food. This causes histamines to be produced, which leads to a burning sensation. Other symptoms of a food allergy may include gastrointestinal issues, runny nose or respiratory difficulty. Food allergies are sometimes linked to intestinal candidiasis. Probiotics in CanXida Restore can help to rebalance the bacteria in your gut and mouth, and support a healthy gut. barrier.

Question: Long story short ; Dermatologist discovered I had 3 Bacteria in my body. Gave me 2 different ointments and Sulphur Antibiotics. Yeast appeared gone in 2 days. And now 10 days post I’m feeling fine – But will it come back ?

Healing your gut is hugely important to restoring your health, especially after battling several infections. Diet is an important aspect for the health of your gut. Start by removing toxic and inflammatory foods that you may be sensitive to. This includes processed foods, refined sugar and alcohol. Other inflammatory foods that can supress immunity include gluten, diary, soy and corn. After two to four weeks, introduce some of these foods one at a time. If you have a reaction to a food, keep it out of your diet. You may also find it helpful to do at-home food sensitivity testing to pinpoint your trigger foods. Supplements can help speed up recovery and jumpstart your progress. Probiotics (the good bacteria in your gut) help you digest and absorb your food. They also support immune function, balanced mood, thyroid function, hormone balance, and much more. Many people have altered or depleted populations of probiotics due to medications, stress, or poor diet.

I recommend a daily probiotic supplement to maintain microbiome health like CanXida Restore. Your GI tract relies on enzymes and acids to break down and digest your food. If you have digestive issues, you may be low in enzymes and stomach acid needed for digestion. Restore contains a comprehensive blend of digestive enzymes to break down food. Betaine HCL is helpful if you deal with reflux and suspect low levels of stomach acid. If you have developed intestinal permeability, or leaky gut, there are several nutrients and herbs that help seal and rebuild the intestinal barrier. CanXida Rebuild is a combines gut-healing nutrients such as zinc, L-glutamine and slippery elm. Finally make sure to cultivate a gut-healthy lifestyle including reducing stress, sleeping more, excercising regularly and be mindful when taking medications.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.