Your Questions Answered: CanXida For Enterobacter Cloacae, CanXida Black Walnut Extract & SNRI Wellbutrin With CanXida

Question: Would canxida Remove work for Enterobacter cloacae?

Enterobacter Cloacae is an opportunistic bacteria normally present in the environment and human feces. A dignosis of 3 + crosses for Enterobcter is a sign of a dysbiotic flora. Dysbiotic bacteria like Enterobcter have the potential to cause disease in the GI tract. They can be present due to a number of factors including: contaminated water or food, use of antibiotics, being around animals, poor fiber intake and high stress levels. Natural antibacterial agents might be helpful particularly for Enterobacter which can become resitant to antibiotics. CanXida Remove is formulated with 12 natural antimicrobials including black walnut, garlic oil, berberine, caprylic acid, oregano oil and other known compounds to ensure potency and broad spectrum action when dealing with pathogenic yeast and bacteria. Enterobacter thrives on a diet high in starch, so a low-starch diet may be helpful. Probiotics like CanXida Restore help repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria and optimize the gut environment, which helps balance bacteria in the digestive tract. Probiotics also support a healthy gut barrier. Systemic enzymes have been shown to inhibit and disrupt biofilm formation and digestive enzymes help absorb and break down nutrients effectively to lessen digestive symtoms. These strategies used together are highly effective.

Question: Was wondering how patients with histamine intolerance tolerate CanXida with it having black walnut in it? I just received my first bottle bit am a little apprehensive about possible histamine reaction side effects.

Antihistamines are commonly used to block histamines. There are many plants that have positve effects at blocking histamine, including walnut plants, specifically the extract of the nut skin (walnut shell) has been studied for its histamine inhibitory effects. This pertains specifically to the oil extract of black walnut skin, and is different from consuming whole walnuts which are known to have a high histamine content. If you are dealing with histamine intolerance it may suggest an imbalance in your gut. Dysbiosis can be responsible for many of the food allergies you may be experiencing. This is a result of intestinal permeability which is frequently caused by Candida. Candida releases harmful by-products that create inflammation in the gut, weakening the barrier and allowing for toxins and food particles to escape and trigger the immune system. Working on healing the gut and treating Candida can help elminate some of the sensitivities. Following a low sugar anti-inflammatory diet is a great start, but you should also consider some foods and supplements that can help to repair the gut and restore the integrity of your intestinal walls. Good food options include cabbage juice and bone broth and supplements like CanXida Rebuild which contain important vitamins to support the immune system like B vitamins and magnesium and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamin acid, slippery elm, and golden sea root. Taking a high quality probiotic like CanXida Remove will help recolonise your gut with probiotic bacteria which is a crucial part of restoring your gut flora. Additionally natural antimicrobials work by getting rid of pathogens. Use a combination that contains several antimicrobilas like CanXida Remove with 12 combined proven antifungals. If you feel you have a reaction to any of the components in Remove stop taking the product inmediately and always consult with your doctor.

Question: I was wondering if I am able to take your supplement CanXida while on an SNRI Wellbutrin. I am hoping to taper off in the next few months but I need to be more stable first. Just want to make sure it is safe.

Bupropion is used to treat people with depression and to aid in smoking cessation treatment. People who take bupropion antidepressants must use extreme caution with herbs, oils and natural supplements as there are some that can negatively interact with the medications. Patients should avoid oils containing clove or nutmeg as these can increase their risk for possible blood pressure changes, tremors and confusion. Patients on bupropion antidepressants should also avoid taking lemongrass, may chang, honey myrtle, melissa, palmarosa, lemon myrtle and blue tansy. There are no known drug interctions with oregano, garlic, black walnut, grape fruit seed, Pau d’Arco, caprylic acid, neem and berberine. However CanXida Remove contains clove extract. Bupropion can interact with clove and may decrease the excretion rate which result in a higher serum levels of clove compounds (eugenol) in blood. These can cause high blood pressure and tremors in suceptible people. Eugenols are found in clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, tulsi and pepper. Always consult with a health care provider for complete information about medical questions, and treatment options, including any risks or benefits regarding use of medications and supplements.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.