Your Questions Answered: Candida Eliminated, Tiredness After Therapy & Red Yeast Rice

Question: Is My Candida Eliminated?

It’s essential to remember that many people believe they have a candida infection when, in reality, they might have a bacterial imbalance. Some bacteria, like citrobakter or klebsiella, are normal in our gut but can become problematic when their levels increase. These imbalances can lead to various symptoms often mistaken for candida.

To determine whether you had candida or if it has been eradicated, retesting is vital. Generally, a lack of symptoms indicates a healthy gut. If your energy, sleep patterns, and appetite are excellent, and there’s no pain, gas, bloating, or irregular bowel movements, you probably don’t have a candida problem. However, just because you don’t have symptoms doesn’t mean everything is in perfect order. It’s wise to get annual blood tests, checking factors like kidney function, liver health, iron levels, B12, and vitamin D. Regular testing and monitoring ensure that you remain in good health.

In our book “Candida Crusher”, we emphasize the importance of not only relying on symptoms to gauge health. Continual monitoring, understanding your body, and being aware of any changes are crucial.

Question: How Do I Address Remaining Tiredness After Therapy?

They mentioned improvements in digestion, but persistent issues with energy and concentration. The symptoms they described after taking antimicrobial drugs or supplements hinted at the possible depletion of beneficial bacteria, especially lactobacillus.

Brain fog, which was a concern for the subscriber, can be closely associated with imbalances in the small intestine. There’s an observed link between lactobacillus health and cognitive function. Introducing or reintroducing lactobacillus supplements might help. Our product, CanXida Restore, has several strains of lactobacillus, making it a suitable recommendation for this situation. It’s essential to observe bowel motions and textures, which can indicate the health of lactobacillus in the gut. Consistent consumption of lactobacillus can lead to sharper cognitive function, potentially reducing brain fog.

Question: Can I Use Red Yeast Rice To Reduce Cholesterol While On A Candida Diet?

Let’s discuss cholesterol first. The general understanding is that LDL (often referred to as “bad cholesterol”) is harmful, while HDL (often termed “good cholesterol”) is beneficial. However, this is a limited view. Heart disease stems from inflammation, which goes beyond just HDL and LDL ratios.

Red yeast rice extract comes from a yeast called monascus and has been utilized since ancient times. Interestingly, it acts similarly to a type of statin drug. Statin drugs, like Lovastatin, were derived from a fungus called aspergillus in the ’70s. The mechanism here is that these fungus-derived substances can block enzymes that produce LDL.

That being said, simply lowering LDL might not be the most effective approach. Instead of focusing solely on lowering cholesterol, maintaining overall gut health can play a crucial role in maintaining balanced cholesterol levels. As we age, cholesterol becomes even more important because it is foundational for several hormonal pathways, including the production of testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and cortisol. Disrupting cholesterol can thus influence hormone balance.

For heart health, it’s essential to manage weight, blood pressure, and ensure healthy bowel function. In our book Candida Crusher, we discuss various aspects related to diet and health.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare professional before making decisions about your health or making changes to your diet.