Your Questions Answered: Azole Antacids, White Plastic Shower Sealants And Smelled Mold & Whole Body Itching Candida

Question: Can you least let me know that are there azole Antacids as there are azole antifungals? Are these 2 same or different?

Azole antacids are a type of medication used to treat heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux. They work by reducing the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Azole antacids contain an azole ring in their chemical structure, which is responsible for their acid-blocking activity. Examples of azole antacids include omeprazole, esomeprazole, and lansoprazole. On the other hand, azole antifungals are a type of medication used to treat fungal infections. They work by inhibiting the production of ergosterol, which is an essential component of fungal cell membranes. The azole ring in their chemical structure makes them effective at targeting fungal cells while minimizing damage to human cells. Examples of azole antifungals include fluconazole, itraconazole, and ketoconazole. While both azole antacids and azole antifungals contain an azole ring in their chemical structure, they are used to treat different conditions. Azole antacids are used to treat acid reflux, while azole antifungals are used to treat fungal infections, they are not the same thing.

Question: P.S. I was diagnosed with candida in South Africa in 2000. I could see black in the white plastic shower sealants and smelled mold. Very common in the Joburg area. I found the closest thing to Clorox spray I could, and sprayed the shower and every possible water area, closed the window and shut the door for a full day. White plastic sealants were pristine, and with that and diet care I cleared up the candida and have adhered as close to a low carb diet as I can follow since. So far, so good. However, the son-in-law washed 3 or 4 loads daily, and I smell mold again. How can I make sure this is not a liability? Sorry to keep blathering on, but I’m going to have to make a clear case to get anyone to change habits.

Mold toxicity is illness caused by exposure to mold spores and mold biotoxins. Mold toxins, called mycotoxins have been shown to cause adverse human health effects , may behave as allergens, and some types can be more toxic than industrial toxins. Exposure from mold and its toxins happens primarily through water damaged buildings and some little exposure can occur through contaminated foods such as cereals, grapes, spices, wine, raisins, nuts, and coffee. There are two main parts to mold illness treatment: Remove mold exposure and Support your body in detoxifying mold and mycotoxins. Mold illness is almost always caused by exposure to mold in your home or workplace. The best way to assess your indoor air quality for a mold problem is to work with an indoor environmental professional (IEP). An indoor air specialist will look for evidence of visible mold or less obvious signs of mold and water damage, leaks, or dampness on drywall, ceiling tiles, flooring, and more. Common problem areas are bathrooms, laundry rooms, air conditioning units, basements, and attics. Once you’ve handled the mold exposure, you need to help your body detox from the mold and mycotoxins. Supporting your gut health is generally considered to be a key part of this process.

You can also benefit from probiotics like CanXida Restore which can help improve gut immunity and restore beneficial flora. Agents such as charcoal, and chlorella can help prevent the absorption of these toxins from food. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, E, C, NAC, glutathione alone or in combination have been shown to mitigate the oxidative effects of the toxin. Bentonite or zeolite clay is reported to reduce the absorption of multiple mycotoxins from mold. Studies have also shown that mold toxins are present in sweat, which supports the use of sauna as a treatment to increase the excretion of mold toxins. To treat possible fungal infections caused by mold exposure patients can take antimicrobial therapy such as CanXida Remove formulated with 12 natural antifungals in standard doses that are effective against yeast, mold and bacterial overgrowth.

Question: Hi, what’s your insight on this: I am a registered nurse and very interested in your products(CanXida Remove). Needless to say, I am disappointed with the itching (arms, legs, back, abdomen) that occurred about 1 hour after taking the pill.

It is very common to experience die-off symptoms when doing a bacterial or yeast cleanse, or even during a course of antibiotics. As the yeast and bacteria overgrowth die off during treatment, they release endotoxins. This is known as the Herxheimer Reaction, where symptoms get worse before they get better. Common Die-off Symptoms include the ones you mention such as Skin rashes, hives, itching, also acne, eczema or psoriasis flares and other symptoms such as loose bowel movements, constipation, bloating and gas, flu-like symptoms, muscle or body aches and fatigue. You can think of this as the body becoming overburdened or overwhelmed by a sudden release of toxins where the immune system goes on high alert, triggering systemic inflammation. This has been widely documented in the case of infections such as Lyme Disease and Syphilis but is also very commonly seen with yeast and bacterial infections.

The greatest concern with die-off is that their current protocol is not working with the onset of these symptoms and you abandon it in fear they are making matters worse. In actuality, the detox symptoms are a very good sign of shift in microbes in the body. The good news is, by supporting your detox pathways, ensuring bowel regularity, moving your body, adequately hydrating and incorporating food as medicine, you can combat the die off symptoms while ensuring completion of a successful protocol. Make sure you eat a nutritious diet, with lots of high fiber and low glycemic foods including many vegetables, some non-glutinous grains and nuts and seeds and include anti-inflammatory foods such as ginger, turmeric, salmon and green tea. Finally ensure adequate hydration, exercise and sleep.

Disclaimer: This information aims to be a helpful reference point but it is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or adopting new practices to ensure they are safe and suitable for your unique health circumstances.