What To Do If You Aggravate While Treating Candida?

We have found that most practitioners do not tell their patients that when bacteria and yeasts are killed off they may release cell wall fractions and various chemicals into the bloodstream and digestive tract. In some cases, this can weaken the immune system considerably and make the person feel very washed-out and “wasted” and is a prime reason for the side-effects of candida treatment some experience.

If you follow the CanXida Candida Crusher Protocol carefully, your chances of aggravating violently will be very slim indeed, especially if you follow all of our suggestions carefully. A good way to side-step those annoying aggravations, particularly if you know you are a sensitive person, is to start with the minutest amount of supplements, and to very slowly build up the dosages until the slightest side-effects are noticeable.

You may notice a slight discomfort as the yeast cells begin to die this way, and will potentially avoid any serious die-off which can leave you feeling terrible for a week or more, being barely able to function. Always remember, an increase in uncomfortable symptoms upon commencement of treatment is not a bad sign, it is a positive sign and means progress! You will find that gradually the symptoms decrease and that the treatment can be stepped up.

A further way for you to avoid aggravations is not to begin a new hobby or sport when you undergo treatment. It is not wise to go bungee jumping, skydiving, scuba diving, long-distance running or engage in a triathlon, etc. Your body is under a considerable stress when you undergo the CanXida Candida Crusher Protocol, your immune system will be challenged and this extra stress can only serve to lower your resistance even further an increase the chance of aggravation. Wait until you have fully recovered before you attempt a strenuous form of any activity.

Sometimes your aggravation symptoms are not as a direct result of yeast dying or of the treatment itself, but come because of a withdrawal you are experiencing from coffee, tea, alcohol, chocolate, dairy products, sugar, wheat, corn, or even yeast itself. The withdrawal aggravation is most commonly due to caffeine, so be sure to slowly step this down during your Big Clean-Up, or better still, before you have a cleanse and well before you start on the MEVY Diet.

The withdrawal can also be due to taking an allergy prone food out of your diet, which occurs in the second stage of the CanXida Candida Crusher Diet. So if you think about it, with a bit of thought you will be able to know what it was, the caffeine or the allergy food. Did the aggravation come about not long after you stopped that coffee or chocolate, or did it occur after you went onto the low-allergy diet?

We can confidently tell you, after seeing thousands suffering with a chronic candida overgrowth, and having treated many people, that the greatest weapons at your disposal are your diet, your lifestyle, the supplements but first and foremost it’s your patience, self-discipline, determination and the ability to stick with the program until you get the desired results. You may even become incredibly frustrated at different times, and maybe a little difficult to live with as you experience periodic setbacks, but we’d like to remind you that setbacks are commonly experienced by the vast majority of candida sufferers. There is NO such thing as a “12 Hour Treatment” when it comes to candida infection, especially a chronic one, so please be aware that you will have to work at it but know that in the end you will have reached your ultimate goal, a complete resolution of all your yeast infection symptoms.


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.