Vaginal Yeast Infections – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

The vaginal yeast infection, known as vaginal thrush or candida vulvovaginitis, represents a common type of yeast infection often associated with the term “yeast infection.”

However, candida yeast can cause infections in various body areas, including the mouth, gut, skin, and penis.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that around 75% of adult women experience this infection at least once in their lifetime. Candida, a typical inhabitant of the vagina alongside lactobacilli bacteria, can increase due to certain conditions, leading to inflammation and specific symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection. For about 5% of women in their reproductive years, this infection can become recurrent, defined as experiencing the infection at least four times a year. This article aims to provide essential information on vaginal yeast infections to assist in informed decision-making regarding treatment options.

How Do I Get It?

Vaginal yeast infections stem from various causes and risk factors influencing their onset and recurrence. Risks for higher susceptibility to infections include:

  • Immune system weakening (like AIDS or diabetes)
  • Nutrient deficiencies and excessive sugar intake
  • Antibiotic use
  • Uncontrolled diabetes/increased estrogen levels from contraceptives, hormone therapies, or pregnancy
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs), spermicides/condoms, hygiene practices, clothing choices, and orogenital sex

Understanding these elements is essential for effective management and prevention.

How Do I Know If I Have It?

Symptoms associated with vaginal candidiasis often mimic other health issues. Typical indications of vaginal candidiasis include:

  • intense itching in the vaginal and vulvar areas
  • redness resembling rashes
  • painful urination
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • thick, cottage cheese-like discharge with no strong odor

It’s essential to note that these symptoms might be present in various other infections or conditions.

A cautious approach is necessary when self-diagnosing vaginal candidiasis due to the potential for misidentification. Studies have shown that only around one-third of women accurately self-diagnose this condition. Incorrect self-diagnosis could lead to the improper use of over-the-counter antifungal treatments, which might not effectively address the issue and could further complicate the problem. Additionally, such practices might contribute to developing antibiotic-resistant strains of candida.

To confirm the presence of a candida infection and ensure appropriate treatment, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider. Lab tests conducted by a medical professional can accurately diagnose vaginal candidiasis and rule out other potential health concerns with similar symptoms, enabling the implementation of suitable and effective treatment strategies.

How Do I Get Diagnosed?

When suspecting vaginal candidiasis, seeking a correct diagnosis is crucial for appropriate treatment. Individuals may use at-home screening kits:

  • Vagisil or Monistat vaginal health tests- these kits evaluate vaginal pH, which typically ranges between 4 and 4.5 in a healthy vagina. A pH above this range might indicate bacterial infections, trichomonas, or post-menopausal atrophic vaginitis, while a pH within this range could suggest vaginal candidiasis or irritant vaginitis.
  • These tests do not pinpoint the specific cause and cannot be used for self-treatment, requiring further professional diagnosis.
  • A visit to a healthcare provider for a confirmatory diagnosis is essential after conducting the screening.
  • Professional diagnostic laboratories conduct microbiological tests such as microscopic examination of the discharge to identify the presence of candida. In cases where microscopy results are negative, candida cultures may be performed to determine the candida species and any antibiotic sensitivity, aiding in selecting the most effective treatment. Biochemical tests like the KOH whiff test are also conducted to detect bacterial vaginosis by identifying a fishy odor in the vaginal discharge, a sign absent in candida infections.

What Do I Do About It?

Here are the options.

A. Pharmaceutical treatment:

Vaginal candidiasis, while sometimes resolving on its own, often necessitates treatment to prevent complications such as severe infection, transmission to sexual partners, and secondary infections like bacterial vaginosis or urinary tract infections (UTI).

Pharmaceutical treatment for this condition varies based on its uncomplicated or complicated classification and the type of candida involved.

Uncomplicated cases, often caused by Candida albicans and producing mild to moderate symptoms, are typically treated by:

  • short-course antifungal ointments available over the counter
  • oral antifungals may be prescribed (avoided during pregnancy or lactation)

Around 80-90% of patients completing these therapies experience symptom relief, and negative candida culture tests post-treatment.

Complicated vaginal candidiasis—recurrent, severe, occurring in immunocompromised individuals or involving nonalbicans candida—may require longer-term treatment to control the fungus.

  • Maintenance therapy with oral fluconazole for six months is sometimes advised, but around 50% of women may experience reinfection once this therapy is stopped.
  • Episodic treatments are often preferred over maintenance therapies due to the risk of recurrence. However, conventional therapies may not be as effective against nonalbicans candida strains like Candida glabrata, necessitating confirmatory tests and alternative treatments.
  • Azole drugs, commonly used in these treatments, act on ergosterol, a vital component of the fungal membrane, disrupting its formation and leading to fungal cell death or growth inhibition. These drugs are available in topical or oral forms. Still, caution is warranted with oral intake due to potentially severe side effects such as heart failure or acute liver injury with some azole drugs.

B. Natural Treatment:

A holistic approach to treating vaginal candidiasis advocates for natural remedies that encompass dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and alternative medicines to combat infections without adverse side effects. This comprehensive method aims to restore internal balance, reinforce the immune system, and rejuvenate mucous membranes. By emphasizing the treatment of the entire individual, rather than just addressing symptoms, this approach aims for a robust system capable of defeating external infections effectively and permanently.

Dietary changes play a pivotal role in this holistic treatment.

A balanced diet rich in:

  • essential macro- and micro-nutrients (adequate proteins, good fats, carbohydrates, and beneficial bacteria) supports immune function and overall well-being.
  • reducing sugar intake is vital, as excessive consumption may heighten susceptibility to candida infections.
  • prioritizing organic produce helps eliminate potential dietary contaminants, such as pesticides and hormones, that might compromise the body’s immune response

Lifestyle adjustments are equally critical.

  • abstaining from alcohol significantly benefits immunity, especially in women, as alcohol-induced tissue damage is more pronounced in females, particularly during high estrogen phases.
  • managing stress through lifestyle modifications, regular exercise, adequate hydration, sufficient sleep, and stress-relieving activities like meditation or herbal teas helps bolster immunity and minimize candida risks
  • avoiding unnecessary antibiotics, NSAIDs, and corticosteroids, which disrupt natural microflora and weaken the immune system

Natural remedies offer compelling alternatives to pharmaceutical treatments.

  • tea-tree oil and coconut oil (natural antifungals) – Integrating these oils into topical applications or dietary routines can help combat vaginal candidiasis.
  • CanXida supplements, created by a doctor with 30+ years of experience in candida research, offer a range of herbal formulas to address candida infections without severe side effects.
  • CanXida Remove, containing natural compounds like garlic, caprylic acid, and grapefruit seed extract, targets candida in various ways without promoting resistance.
  • CanXida Restore supplements complement treatment, helping restore natural flora balance during candida therapy, significantly improving overall health.

Three-stage candida douching protocol

  • stage one – use Manuka honey and garlic to soothe and combat infections – warm the honey and garlic mixture, apply it to the vaginal area, and let it sit for thirty to sixty minutes
  • stage two – rinse the honey away with apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water
  • stage three – soothe the vaginal tissue with yogurt, applying it gently and then rinsing it out with water

Things to note:

Boric acid powder is suggested for treating chronic cases unresponsive to Manuka honey (high success rate even against difficult-to-treat Candida strains). Manuka honey, particularly with a high Unique Factor Rating (UMF), is lauded for its anti-bacterial, antifungal, and skin healing properties, soothing the vaginal area without feeding the candida infection.

It is important to note – Manuka honey holds strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties beneficial for inflamed skin, including the vagina.

When selecting Manuka honey, prioritize a high UMF rating, which indicates its potency.

The cleansing douche aids in restoring the vagina’s acid/alkaline balance. Properly completing the process involves careful irrigation of the vaginal area, ensuring thorough rinsing and drying before wearing fresh cotton underwear or no undergarments during sleep for enhanced hygiene.

How Do I Prevent It?

To prevent vaginal candidiasis, focusing on risk factors and adopting preventive strategies is critical:

  • maintaining proper personal hygiene without douching
  • wearing breathable cotton underwear
  • avoiding moisture
  • strengthening the immune system by consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins, incorporating natural sources of vitamins like daily
  • exposure to sunlight for vitamin D
  • avoiding corticosteroids and excessive antibiotic use
    prioritizing adequate sleep, hydration, and stress management
  • abstaining from alcohol consumption
  • yogurt, both orally and as a topical application, can aid in alleviating symptoms and restoring natural vaginal flora
  • potent probiotics like CanXida Restore are recommended for enhanced effectiveness in prevention


Vaginal yeast infections, commonly known as vaginal thrush or candida vulvovaginitis, affect many women at least once in their lifetime. Causes include weakened immune systems, nutrient deficiencies, excessive sugar intake, and certain medications like antibiotics and corticosteroids. Symptoms include itching, redness, painful urination, discomfort during sex, and unusual discharge, but accurate self-diagnosis can be challenging, necessitating professional confirmation for proper treatment.

Diagnosis involves tests by healthcare providers, including microscopic examinations, cultures, and biochemical tests. Pharmaceutical treatments vary based on infection complexity but typically include applying antifungal ointments or oral medications. Holistic approaches are very effective and offer natural remedies, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and supplements like CanXida products, specialized candida cleanse douching, or boric acid powder as alternatives.

Prevention strategies include hygiene maintenance, breathable clothing, immune system strengthening through diet and lifestyle, alcohol avoidance, and using yogurt or potent probiotics like CanXida Restore for healthy vaginal flora. Comprehensive understanding, early recognition, accurate diagnosis, and a combination of treatments and preventive measures are crucial for effectively managing and preventing vaginal yeast infections.