The Science Behind CanXida Remove: A Comprehensive Review of Ingredients and Their Efficacy

Since its inception in 2012, CanXida Remove has been a cornerstone in our mission to support gut health and combat fungal overgrowth. To further validate the efficacy of our formula, we conducted an extensive review of the scientific literature, encompassing in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies, to evaluate the effectiveness of our key ingredients against various Candida species.

To present this data clearly, we have organized the ingredients alphabetically for ease of reference:

  • A. Garlic 2% (Allicin)
  • B. Caprylic Acid
  • C. Undecylenic Acid
  • D. Betaine HCL
  • E. Grapefruit Seed Extract 45% Flavonoid
  • F. Black Walnut Hull Extract
  • G. Pau D’arco 4:1 Extract
  • H. Neem 4:1 Extract
  • I. Berberine HCL (Berberine Concentrate HCl 85%)
  • J. Clove 4:1 Extract
  • K. Biotin
  • L. Oregano Oil

The table below presents a comprehensive analysis of this research, highlighting the ingredient names, the type of study conducted, the specific Candida species targeted, the findings, the efficacy levels, and the corresponding citations.

This detailed review not only underscores the potency of CanXida Remove but also provides a transparent view of the scientific validation supporting its use. Discover how each ingredient contributes to the overall effectiveness of CanXida Remove in managing and mitigating Candida overgrowth and promoting a healthier gut.

Antifungal Potential of ingredients A-L
Ingredient Study type Target species Findings Efficacy Citation
A Clinical Candida spp. Women with colony count of candida > 100 cfu/ml were 73% as compared to placebo with 93% Low Watson et al., 2014
A Clinical Candida spp Application of 5gram garlic gel/day reduced candidal vaginitis infection from 100% to 2.6% after 30 days as compared to clotrimazole (2%) that reduced the infection to 0% High Farshbaf et al., 2016
A Clinical Candida spp 1500 mg/day garlic for 7 days reduced candidal vaginitis related symptoms up to 44% as compared to fluconazole showed 63.5% at 150 mg/day. Medium Ebrahimy et al., 2015
A In vivo Candida albicans garlic extract (0.25 g/ kg b. w) reduced C. albicans concentrations in liver and kidneys homogenates in infected control and diabetic rats Medium Bokaeian et al., 2010
A In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 32 mm at 200mg/ml High Hamzah et al., 2022
A In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 13 mm at 1 mg/ml Medium Ashrit,, et al., 2022
A In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 27 mm at 500 mg/ml of garlic extract as compared to ZOI of 29 mm of ciprofloxacin at 5 µg/ml Low Ashrit,, et al., 2022
A In vitro Candida albicans MIC was 200 mg/mL Low Adejare et al., 2013
A In vitro Candida glabrata MIC was 200 mg/mL Low Adejare et al., 2013
A In vitro Candida glabrata MFC was 3.13 µg/mL Medium Chinedu, 2019
B In vitro Candida albicans MFC was 2 mg/mL Medium Jadhav et al., 2017
B In vitro Candida albicans MIC was 450 µg/mL Medium Zarimeidani et al., 2021
C In vitro Candida albicans 80% reduction in C. albicans biomass production at 5mM High Shi et al., 2016
E In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 24 mm at 200 μg/ml High Han, 2017  
E In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 8 mm at 20 mg/ml Low Shrestha et al., 2012  
E In vitro Candida albicans MIC was 8 mg/mL Low Aslanimehr et al., 2020  
E In vitro Candida albicans ZOI was 11 mm at 8.25 (% m/v) Low Cvetnic et al., 2004  
E In vitro Candida albicans MBC was 1.2mg/ml Medium Aslanimehr et al., 2020  
E In vitro Candida krusei ZOI was 23 mm at 800 μg/ml Medium Eslami et al., 2017  
E In vitro Candida krusei ZOI was 12 mm at 8.25 (% m/v) Low Cvetnic et al., 2004  
E In vitro Candida glabrata ZOI was 21 mm at 800 μg/ml Medium Eslami et al., 2017  
E In vitro Candida tropicalis ZOI was 13 mm at 16.50 (% m/v) Low Cvetnic et al., 2004  
E In vivo C. albicans Mice receiving no GSE had the survival time of 11 days against disseminated candidiasis as compared to 24 days wherein mice received 4 mg/kg body weight of GSE High Han, 2017  
F In vivo C. albicans The CFUs before intervention was 308.2 and reduced to 0 in both 4% juglone group and 1% clotrimazole High Wianowska et al., 2016  
F In vitro C. albicans 100% growth reduction at 337 mg/ml High Salamat et al., 2016  
F In vitro Candida krusei, Comparable inhibition to fluconazole High Rodrigues, 2010  
I In vitro Candida albicans MICs was 80 μg/mL High Xie et al. 2020  
I In vitro Candida albicans MICs of berberine was 8 μg/mL and Fluconazole was 16 μg/mL High da Silva et al. 2016  
I In Vitro Candida albicans MIC of fluconazole was 1.9 lg/ml alone and decreased to 0.48 lg/ml in the presence of berberine concentrations of 1.9 lg/ml High Iwazaki et al. 2010  
I In vitro Candida albicans MIC values ranging from 125 to 500μg/ml. Medium Poopedi et al. 2021  
I In vitro Candida albicans MICs was 31.25 μg/mL alone and combo with Fluconazole was 3.90 μg/mL Medium Wei et al,. 2011  
I In vitro Candida albicans Combo of 100 µg berberine and 6 µg terbinafine showed an increased inhibition zones in size (inhibition zone, 25.67±2.52 mm) High Lam, et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida krusei MICs of berberine was 4 μg/mL and Fluconazole was 16 μg/mL Low da Silva et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida krusei MICs was 10 μg/mL High Xie et al. 2020  
I In vitro Candida tropicalis MICs of  berberine was 8 μg/mL and Fluconazole was 32 μg/mL High da Silva et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida tropicali MIC was 16 µg/mL and 8 µg/mL combo with fluconazole with fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) 0.13 High Shao, et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida parapsilosis MICs of  berberine was 8 μg/mL and Fluconazole was 32 μg/mL High da Silva et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida parapsilosis MIC was 16 µg/mL and 8 µg/mL combo with fluconazole with fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) 0.13 Medium Shao, et al. 2016  
I In vitro Candida glabrata MICs was 20 μg/mL High Xie et al. 2020  
I In vitro Candida dubliniensis MICs was 40 μg/mL High Xie et al. 2020  
I In vitro Cryptococcus neoformans MICs of  berberine was 16 μg/mL and Fluconazole was 64 μg/mL High da Silva et al. 2016  
I In vitro Trichosporon Asahii MIC was 84.4 µg/mL and 28.9 µg/mL combo with fluconazole with fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) 0.65 Low Cong, et al. 2017  
H In vitro Candida albicans Didn’t inhibit the growth of any strain in concentrations as from 0.1 g/ml Low Polaquini et al. 2006  
H In vitro Candida albicans Zone of inhibition was 5.8 ± 4.26 mm at 5 mg/ml Medium Bansal et al. 2019  
H In vitro Candida albicans Zone of inhibition was 41.59 mm at 20μg/ml High Singh et al. 2023  
H In vitro Candida albicans MICs was 1.2 mg/mL High SaiRam, et al 2000.  
H In vitro Candida albicans Inhibition of 21 mm after 24 hours and 18 mm after seven


High Barua, el at. 2017  
H In vivo Candida albicans LD50 was (3809.6 mg/kg). High Faal, et al. 2012  
H In vitro Aspergillus niger Zone of inhibition was 17.41  mm at 20 mg/ml Medium Singh et al. 2023  
J In vivo Candida albicans zone of inhibition (ZOI) was 1.25 ± 0.05 cm at 5.0 mg Medium Ahmad, et al.2005  
J In vivo Candida albicans At Day 7: Lesion-free, normal thickness, hair regrowth, and reduced IL-6 levels (5.52 ±1.67) post-treatment. High Ali et al. 2023  
J In vivo Candida albicans clove oil gel was found to have the lowest clearance low Alkhanjaf et al. 2022  
J In vivo Candida albicans (0.1%, 0.2%) were able to kill 100% cells High Chami, et al. 2005  
J In vitro Candida sp 68.4–84.2% of the yeast  reduction in biofilm formation, High Rajkowska et al. 2019  
J In vitro Candida albicans 0.5-2.0% v/v in Graph of percentage inhibition of diameter growth (PIDG) were -ve, except for 2.5% v/v, which showed 21.43% High Latifah-Munirah et al. 2015  
J In vitro Candida albicans MIC was 500 µg/ml Medium Shahina, et al. 2022  
J In vivo Cryptococcus neoformans zone of inhibition (ZOI) was 1.35 ± 0.05 cm at 5.0 mg low Ahmad, et al.2005  
J In vivo Aspergillus. fumigatus zone of inhibition (ZOI) was 2.0 ± 0.2 cm at 5.0 mg High Ahmad, et al.2005  
L In vivo Candida albicans  0.033% stopped the growth

of cells

High Chami, et al. 2005  
L In vivo Candida albicans MIC was 0.25 mg/ml Medium Manohar, et al. 2001  
L In vivo Candida glabrata Mean inhibition zone was 54.7 ± 2.1 mm Medium Fernandes, et al. 2023  
L In vivo Candida albicans Mean inhibition zone was 30.3 ± 2.9 mm Low Fernandes, et al. 2023  
L In vivo Candida krusei Mean inhibition zone was 43.7 ± 3.2 mm Medium Fernandes, et al. 2023  
L In vivo Candida guilliermondii Mean inhibition zone was 77.3 ± 3.1 mm High Fernandes, et al. 2023  
L In vitro Candida albicans MIC was 0.01mg/L High Cid-Chevecich, et al. 2022  
L In vitro Candida dubliniensis MIC was 2.6mg/L Medium Cid-Chevecich, et al. 2022  
L In vitro Candida krusei MIC was 5.33mg/L High Cid-Chevecich, et al. 2022  
L In vivo Candida albicans MIC were 1.2 µl/mL Medium Clef et al. 2011  
L In vivo Candida albicans Inhibition zone was 4 to 17 mm High Hosny, et al. 2021  

Addressing Low Efficacy in In-Vitro Studies

While reviewing the scientific literature for the ingredients in CanXida Remove, you may notice that some in-vitro studies report lower efficacy levels. It’s important to understand the context and limitations of these findings to fully appreciate the overall potency and effectiveness of our product.

1. Context of In-Vitro Studies: In-vitro studies are conducted in a controlled laboratory environment outside of a living organism. These studies are essential for understanding the basic interactions between compounds and microorganisms. However, they do not always replicate the complex biological processes that occur within the human body. An ingredient might show lower efficacy in-vitro but perform significantly better in-vivo or in clinical settings due to factors such as bioavailability, metabolism, and synergistic effects with other ingredients.

2. Synergistic Effects: CanXida Remove is a carefully formulated blend of multiple ingredients, each chosen for their unique properties and potential to work synergistically. While individual components may show varying degrees of efficacy in isolation, their combined effect in a real-world scenario often leads to enhanced overall performance. This synergy can result in a more potent and comprehensive antifungal action against Candida species than any single ingredient could achieve on its own.

3. Varied Strains and Conditions: The efficacy of an ingredient can also vary depending on the specific strain of Candida and the conditions under which the study was conducted. Some strains may be more resistant or sensitive to certain compounds. The low efficacy observed in some studies might be strain-specific and not necessarily indicative of the ingredient’s performance against other strains or in different conditions.

4. Holistic Approach to Gut Health: CanXida Remove is designed to support gut health holistically. Beyond its antifungal properties, the formulation includes ingredients that support digestive health, immune function, and overall well-being. This multi-faceted approach ensures that users not only combat fungal overgrowth but also address other underlying issues contributing to gut health problems.

5. In-Vitro Testing as a First Step: We have also tested CanXida Remove in-vitro/lab settings as a crucial first step to understand how our product works. These preliminary tests provide valuable insights and guide further research. To build on this foundation, CanXida Remove is currently undergoing clinical trial. This virtual, double-blind, two-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial will last 12 weeks. Participants will take the CanXida Remove or a placebo product daily and complete questionnaires at Baseline, Week 6, and Week 12.

At CanXida, our goal is to share as much information as possible, not just with our customers but also with the clinicians who use our products worldwide. By publishing extensive articles and sharing detailed technical information, we aim to provide a transparent and comprehensive understanding of the efficacy and benefits of our formulations. This commitment to transparency and education helps ensure that everyone, from consumers to healthcare professionals, can make informed decisions about their health and the products they use.

By considering the broader context and the comprehensive design of CanXida Remove, you can see that the occasional low efficacy in in-vitro studies does not undermine the overall potency and effectiveness of CanXida Remove. The combined strength of our ingredients, backed by extensive research and real-world results, ensures that CanXida Remove remains a highly effective solution for managing Candida overgrowth and promoting optimal gut health.