Non-Significant Difference” Between CanXida Remove & Antibiotic’s Ability to Inhibit Escherichia coli

Big news!

As some of you have heard, we’ve had a lot of feedback from customers & clinicians that tried using CanXida Remove to help with urinary tract infections (UTI’s).

So we had a test study done to see how effective RMV really was.

The name of the study was: Analysis Report: Antibacterial Evaluation of herbal formulation CanXida Remove Against Pathogenic Bacteria.

It was a petri dish study to test the ability of CanXida Remove to kill or inhibit the growth of bad Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.

Which they then compared against a conventional antibiotic called ciprofloxacin.

E. coli is one of the main causes of UTI’s.

And as you’ll see in a moment, the results were quite impressive.

How the Study Was Conducted

The study used what’s called a “disc diffusion test.”

This is a common test where researchers fill petri dishes with agar (a jelly made of complex sugars), and use it to grow bacteria. They then inject a substance (like an antibiotic) into a small portion of the petri dish & see what happens to the bacteria in the surrounding area.

In this case, researchers took sterilized petri dishes full of agar jelly & injected them with freshly cultured live Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.

They then made small holes 6mm in diameter inside the jelly and injected the holes with 30 μl of CanXida Remove, diluted with water. 30 μl means 30 microliters, or 0.03 milliliters. Which is basically half a drop of water. Or about 1/50th of a whole tablet of CanXida Remove.

The researchers tested 3 different concentrations of CanXida Remove: 100 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml and 400 mg/ml.

They also injected 1/4th of the holes with ciprofloxacin, at a concentration of 5 μg/ml. Which means 5 micrograms per milliliter (a very small amount).

The researchers then labeled all the petri dishes and put them in a warm incubator set to 37 degrees Celsius – the temperate of the human body – for a period of 48 hours.

What Were the Results of the Study

After 48 hours, CanXida Remove, at 400 mg/ml, inhibited the growth of all E. coli bacteria within a range of 9mm from the hole it was injected into. While the antibiotic inhibited the growth within 14mm from the injection site.

And while the antibiotic did have an extra “zone of inhibition” or ZOI of about 5mm, according to the study, this was a “non-significant difference.”

Why? Because CanXida Remove was able to inhibit the E. coli within a significant area – just like the antibiotic.

Here’s an line from the results section of the study:

“ZOI possessed by CanXida Remove and standard drug (Ciprofloxacin) showed non-significant difference, which clearly depicts the killing ability of CanXida Remove ability to kill Escherichia coli can be compared with the standard drug.”

Think about what this means.

CanXida Remove is an herbal formula. Yet the study showed it can inhibit the growth of E. coli at a level that’s “statistically comparable” to an antibiotic. Maybe the range is indeed a bit less, but unlike the antibiotic, CanXida did this without harming your good bacteria.

Where as if you swallow the antibiotic, it would wipe out not only the E. coli but the lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. And remember, they used a very low dose of CanXida Remove for this study, and then diluted it further using water.

Plus with antibiotics you have to worry about the bad bacteria developing antibiotic resistance and the drug no longer working. Where as with CanXida Remove, you can just keep taking it because resistance doesn’t happen with natural antibacterials & herbs.

Why These Results Matter

It’s pretty incredible when you think about it.

We put a supplement that’s pretty much a bunch of different herbs and plant extracts compressed into a tablet, and put it to the test against an antibiotic.

And the scientists who performed the test wrote the difference in their effectiveness against a major stain of pathogenic bacteria is basically negligible. That’s big news because it confirms what customers and clinicians who use CanXida Remove have been telling us for years.

That CanXida Remove really is effective.

Why Did We Only Test For E. coli & Not Candida & Other Bad Bacteria or Parasites?

We decided to start with E. coli due to the feedback we received from customers and clinicians who achieved good results using CanXida Remove for UTI’s.

Testing for many different strains of gut pathogens at once is quite expensive. This was basically a test run to see things would go and whether it’s worth it to do more testing.

Now that we have positive results, we’ve already taken action & started work on a larger, MUCH bigger study.

We can’t give details out just yet but you can expect more news about it later this year. If you’re one of our email newsletter subscribers, you’ll be among the first to know.

Why Should You Care About E. coli If You Have Candida or Something Else?

As you’ve learned if you’ve been watching our YouTube channel and reading our various ebooks and articles, yeast, bad bacteria and parasites like to team up.

It’s extremely uncommon for a patient with a chronic gut issues or recurring yeast infections to only have an overgrowth of Candida Albicans. There’s almost always multiple strains of different gut pathogens that have overgrown.

You can verify this for yourself if you ever get a CDSA stool test done. And E. coli is often one of the bad bacteria strains that comes up.

E. coli is estimated to cause 73,000 gut related illnesses each year in the U.S. alone. Many people with recurring candida also suffer from recurring UTI infections – and an E. coli overgrowth in the gut is usually to blame for this.

Other illnesses associated with E. coli include “traveler’s diarrhea” (or diarrhea in general), pneumonia, and neonatal meningitis.

Another thing to consider is bad bacteria often respond to the same stuff. If a natural medicine is effective against E. coli, you can bet it’s going to be effective against many other bad bacteria strains too.

To learn more about CanXida Remove, check out our product page at Be sure to check back there every once in a while as we plan to post a lot more research there similar to what you read here.

Further Reading

For more in-depth information and to explore the topics discussed in this article further, please refer to the following research papers provided below.