Is There A Test To Determine Candida Cravings?

In our previous discussion, we delved into the first home test, the spit test. Now, we’d like to introduce you to the second test, which we’ve aptly named the “craving test.” This particular assessment is detailed extensively in our book, Candida Crusher.

To perform the craving test, here’s what you need to do:

1. Eliminate Sweet Carbohydrates: For a period of three days, abstain from consuming all kinds of sweet carbohydrate foods. This doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding fruits or vegetables entirely. Continue eating them, but limit your intake of particularly sweet fruits like oranges and dried fruits. Specifically, avoid foods such as cookies, ice cream, confectionary items, or what many refer to as candy. Also, refrain from consuming honey, malt extract, sugar, and even items like tomato sauce, which is known to contain sugar.

2. Observe Your Reactions: If someone has a significant Candida overgrowth, their cravings for these sweet treats will intensify. It’s as though the yeast and bacteria within are calling out for these sugary delights. These cravings might be particularly noticeable in the afternoon or after dinner. Many individuals claim they don’t incorporate added sugar in their diets. Yet, they might consume a cookie or a sugary coffee or even a glass of wine, which contains sugar. It’s crucial to realize that sugar isn’t just the white granulated product in a bowl. It takes on various forms in different foods.

3. Identify the Effects: By avoiding these sugars for just three days, you might notice various reactions in your body. Some might experience headaches or dizziness, while others may have episodes of low blood sugar. Significant changes in the digestive system might occur as well, such as a decrease in gas or bloating.

4. Regular Testing and Tracking: It’s recommended to perform this test once a week and keep track of the results. To assist you in this, refer to the symptom tracker present in our book, Candida Crusher.

Disclaimer: While the home tests mentioned are tools to potentially help you understand more about your body, they do not replace professional medical advice or diagnosis. It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional regarding any health concerns or before making changes to your dietary or health routines.