Is Candida A Potential Cause Of Gastroparesis?

We received an interesting question, “Can Candida cause gastroparesis?” For those who might be unfamiliar, gastroparesis is a condition where the stomach contents don’t empty as they should or there’s a delay in emptying of the gastric contents. This is often referred to as a motility issue. Gastroparesis can be caused by various factors, including problems with the vagus nerve, a vital nerve that affects stomach function. Obesity is a common factor that can contribute to its development. Other causes include uncontrolled diabetes, gastric surgery that may damage the vagus nerve, certain medications, and neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis. There are also rarer conditions like amyloidosis which involve protein deposits in different parts of the body.

The symptoms of gastroparesis can vary, but some of the common ones include heartburn, nausea, vomiting of food contents, feeling full quickly after eating, abdominal bloating, and abdominal pains. If the stomach doesn’t release its contents effectively, this can lead to complications, including the potential for Candida overgrowth. For instance, a study in 1987 identified Candida esophagitis in many individuals during endoscopies. So, while Candida might not directly cause gastroparesis, the presence of gastroparesis can create an environment where Candida thrives, particularly if the individual has diabetes or blood sugar issues.

For those with gastroparesis, a primary recommendation is weight loss. Moreover, taking enzymes and a combination of probiotics has shown beneficial results for those with mild to moderate cases of the condition. If you suspect you might have this condition or if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms, it’s crucial to see a healthcare provider.

In our book, Candida Crusher, we explore the relationship between Candida and various health conditions. To address the question directly: yes, there seems to be a relationship between Candida and gastroparesis.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice and recommendations.