How Is Mast Cell Activity Related To Candida?

We recently received a question regarding the connection between mast cell activity or disease and yeast infection. Mast cells are specific types of white blood cells. They contain granules rich in histamine and other chemicals. Histamine, when released, can cause a plethora of reactions in the body, especially allergic responses. Antihistamines, for instance, are given to counter allergic reactions such as those from bee stings, sinus problems, and seasonal allergies. Mast cells are found in various parts of the body including the breathing passages, around the eyes, nose, throat, digestive tract, and skin.

In our research, we came across an extensive article on the role of mast cells in fungal infections. This article underscores how fungal infections can stimulate mast cells. Interestingly, it was pointed out that the release of histamine in the digestive system can increase its permeability, commonly referred to as leaky gut. The article highlighted that yeast, specifically Candida, can indeed cause leaky gut. The link between mast cell activity and yeast infection is clear: Candida releases chemicals that intensify the mast cell response, leading these cells to release histamine. The subsequent immune response can sometimes be overpowering. For instance, some individuals have such heightened sensitivity that a bee sting, which releases histamine, can be fatal.

Understanding these biochemical processes underscores the profound connection between Candida, histamine release, and leaky gut. This relationship extends to food allergies as well. The increase in gut permeability allows proteins to cross into the bloodstream, triggering immune responses and potential allergic reactions. The takeaway is that by addressing the imbalance in the gut, primarily by controlling Candida overgrowth and restoring beneficial bacteria, we can potentially reduce histamine production and the associated symptoms. In summary, there is undoubtedly a connection between mast cell activity and Candida.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare professional for any medical advice or before making any changes to your health regimen.