How Do You Conduct The Saliva Test For Candida?

One common inquiry we receive is about the spit test for Candida. Many wonder about its accuracy, legitimacy, and scientific basis. Some might even label it as unscientific or inaccurate. From our extensive experience, we believe the spit test is a credible assessment. It offers instant results, and when done correctly, it provides valuable insights.

For those unfamiliar with the process, here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. In the morning, right after waking up and before consuming anything, collect some saliva.
2. Take a glass of clean water, whether it’s tap water or another type; the type of water is not crucial.
3. Spit into the glass of water.
4. Leave the glass untouched for up to an hour.

If your saliva floats on the water’s surface, it generally indicates that you may not have a yeast infection or that it is very mild. However, if you observe string-like structures hanging from the saliva or a cloudy formation in the middle of the glass, it might suggest a yeast infection.

How does this work? Those with a yeast infection, especially a significant one, often have an inclination for sugary foods. Such foods can trigger mucus production in the mouth and an increase in saliva. This extra mucus, sometimes containing Candida and bacteria, is what you see suspended in the water.

We recommend trying this test weekly for three months. In our book Candida Crusher, we discuss various at-home tests, including the spit test. We also provide a Candida test tracker to help you monitor your progress by noting down mild, moderate, or severe scores. There are several other tests we’ll discuss in future posts, some of which you might not have heard of, but have proven effective in our experience. The spit test, however, remains an easy and accessible method you can try today.

Disclaimer: While these tests provide valuable insights, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate guidance.