Candida Diet: Foods To Eat On The Candida Diet

Update: Please note you can download a printable PDF version of foods to eat on candida diet by clicking here. And if you are looking on how to do a proper candida diet then visit our candida diet guide page.

Good gut health starts in the kitchen. However, it can be challenging to know which foods are good and which are bad.

This is especially true with the wealth and diversity of advice available online. Candida can make you crave certain foods, often the very foods that will make you feel worse and promote Candida growth.

Our diet is low in refined sugars and high in whole foods, particularly vegetables, fruits, fish, and meat. You’ll be happy to learn about the many delicious and healthy foods that can stop Candida growth and make those cravings a thing of the past. And there is no trade-off here: Foods that are good for dealing with Candida are also good for your overall health, whether you’re suffering from Candida overgrowth or not.

This makes our diet an excellent option for you and your loved ones, regardless of your health status. Let our 30 years of experience guide you down a healthier (and tastier) road to ridding yourself of Candida for good*.

The following list comprises a selection of Candida diet-friendly foods beneficial for gut health and overall well-being.

Each food group is accompanied by a brief description of its health benefits. Incorporating these foods into your diet can support a healthy gut microbiome and help manage candida overgrowth.

You can download a printable Candida Diet Friendly Grocery List by clicking here.

If you have any questions regarding candida diet or cleanse, please check our comprehensive candida video library. We have over 3500 videos that cover every aspect of the diet, cleanse, and treatment.

Brassica (best veggies for Candida)

Brassica is a group of vegetables that are particularly powerful in dealing with digestive issues, such as Candida overgrowth. Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and bok choy all belong to the Brassica family, and each has a unique role in promoting gut health. Particular strengths of Brassica vegetables include:

High in Fiber

Fiber is an important part of our diets, providing pre-biotics and food for the healthy bacteria in our gut. Fiber is essential for maintaining a smooth digestive flow and avoiding discomfort. Brussels sprouts top the charts of fiber content with around 6g of fiber per 100g. Fiber is important for protecting against Candida overgrowth.

High in vitamins

Vitamins are essential to our overall well-being, particularly our immune system. Good immune function is critical for fending off Candida and aiding recovery from infection.

Allium Vegetables

Allium vegetables contain foods like garlic, onions, and leeks. They are delicious in soups and stews and have strong anti-Candida properties.


Garlic contains an active ingredient called Allicin, which has been scientifically proven to kill Candida and slow their growth. Allicin is so effective we’ve included garlic extract in our CanXida Remove formulation, which you can learn more about here.

Organosulfur Compounds

Allium vegetables are rich in organosulfur compounds, which have been shown to have potent antimicrobial and even antitumor properties.

Other Vegetables

Plenty of vegetables besides Brassica and Allium have profoundly positive effects on our digestive system. We recommend that vegetables be provided as the basis of any anti-Candida diet. Particularly beneficial vegetables include:


This leafy green is highly nutritious, providing fiber, iron, and folic acid. Spinach is one of the most protein-dense vegetables, and sufficient protein intake is essential, especially for aging populations.


This plant is a buffet for your healthy gut bacteria. Okra provides important prebiotics for your gut microbiome. It is also high in magnesium and vitamin C, essential for a functioning immune system.


Some fruits are high in sugar, so they may not be the most suitable for tackling Candida, which thrives off sugar. However, that doesn’t mean you should steer clear altogether. Fruits are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help your digestive and immune systems. Here are some fruits that punch above their weight when it comes to nutrition and digestive function:


Recently hailed as a superfood, kiwis are high in fiber, and 100g contains up to 83% of your daily Vitamin C intake.


Yes, it’s a fruit, and it’s packed with fiber. Avocado is an excellent aid for digestive function, and its extracts have anti-Candida properties.

Nuts and seeds

Easily the most snackable foods on the Candida diet shopping list, nuts and seeds are delicious and can benefit your digestive system enormously. Once again, these foods are high in fiber, which helps with overall digestive flow and comfort. Nuts and seeds are also packed with minerals, which help maintain a robust digestive system. One nut we highly recommend is pistachios.


These are some of the most fiber-rich nuts out there, but they are also high in vitamin C, iron, and magnesium. Where pistachios really shine, however, is in their vitamin B6 content, with 100g of pistachios providing 85% of your daily vitamin B6 needs. Vitamin B6 is essential for a functioning immune system, making pistachios a key part of the Candida diet.

Seeds and nuts are typically higher in calories and proteins, making them an ideal snack during a busy schedule or prolonged exercises like hiking.

Cultured & Fermented Foods

Some people may see the word fermented and start backing away with their hands raised. After all, yeast is used in fermented foods, right? While this is true of some foodstuffs, cultured and fermented foods offer various powerful options for an anti-Candida diet. These foods help populate your gut with good bacteria that help keep Candida levels at bay.

Sour Greek Yogurt

This delicious yogurt is abundant in healthy bacteria such as lactobacilli, which prevents Candida overgrowth. Greek yogurts are typically low in sugar, depriving Candida of their primary fuel source.

Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt

This alternative to Greek yogurt is equally delicious and is low in sugar and high in healthy fatty acids. Coconut oil has been found to significantly reduce Candida biofilm formation, a key tactic of Candida pathogenicity.

Plant Protein

These foods are a great way to get the protein you need while adhering to vegetarian/vegan diets. Lentils, in particular, are a fantastic source of plant-based protein and can be used as a base for many meals as an alternative to rice and potatoes. Other delicious foods in this category include tofu, tempeh, beans, and peas.

Animal Protein

Foodstuffs in this category are all low in sugar while providing high nutrient and protein density, making it easier to feel full without consuming sugar. While all are nutritionally valuable, some offer specific benefits in dealing with Candida. For instance, eggs contain biotin, among many other nutrients, which is scientifically proven to reduce Candida growth. Biotin is a soluble B vitamin that is important for a variety of metabolic functions, and its deficiency leaves the body vulnerable to Candida infection.

Oils & Fats

Oils and fats have zero sugar and provide similar satiating effects to consuming high-protein foods. Oils are incredibly versatile and can be used as a seasoning, as a base for sauces and garnishes, and as a substrate for frying. While many oils can be part of a healthy diet, some have specific activities against Candida.

Coconut oil

As mentioned previously, coconut oil reduces Candida biofilm formation.

Olive Oil

Olive oil also can kill Candida from clinical isolates.

Grains, Pasta & Noodles

These foodstuffs provide the base for meals across virtually all cultures, and fortunately, they can be a vital part of an anti-Candida diet. The high diversity of foods in this category can make it difficult to make the right choices, so we summarized the best foods to use in your diet. Delicious choices include:


Millet is a diverse family of grass crops consumed globally, particularly in India and sub-Saharan Africa. Species of millet have been found to possess antifungal compounds.


Buckwheat is a gluten-free flowering plant commonly used in baking. Secondary metabolites from buckwheat have antifungal properties.

Bread Products

You’ll be happy to learn that you don’t need to give up bread to stay on the right track toward helping rid yourself of Candida.

Yeast-free Bread

Trying for a more anti-Candida diet doesn’t mean you need to stave off all bread products. Plenty of yeast-free options are available, so you don’t need to say goodbye to bread (or pizza).


Sourdough has become a popular DIY project for bread enthusiasts and contains lactic acid bacteria with antifungal properties.

Dairy Alternatives

Some dairy products, particularly sugary products like ice cream or high-sugar yogurts, are to be avoided while on a Candida diet. We also recommend that you do not consume high-lactose content dairy products. With this in mind, we offer the following alternatives:

Almond milk

A delicious alternative to cow’s milk, almond milk is low in sugar and lactose (of course). Almond milk can be used with tea, coffee, cereal, and baking, giving you a diverse, more health-focused alternative.

Almond milk isn’t for you? Try alternatives like oat, hemp, and flax milk.

Fresh Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices have been used to preserve food since time immemorial. It’s no wonder, therefore, that they have potent antimicrobial properties and are a delicious complement to any dish. Potent antifungal spices include:


Native to the Mediterranean and Asia, this spice is known for its signature taste and is commonly used as a flavoring in foods like meat, tea, biscuits, and liquor. Anise oils have strong antibacterial and antifungal properties.


Oregano is a delicious compliment to many dishes as a seasoning, and it has been used for centuries as a food preservative. Oregano oil has been scientifically shown to possess anti-Candida properties. That’s why we’ve included oregano extract in our CanXida Remove formulation, which you can learn more about here.


These foods are nutrient-dense and delicious but are sorely lacking in the Western diet. Seaweeds are exceptionally high in antioxidants and minerals that help to support a healthy immune system. Thyroid issues are often associated with Candidiasis, and a type of seaweed called kelp can provide abundant iodine, helping mitigate Candida-associated thyroid issues. Other tasty types include arami, nori, and kombu.

Snacks & Other

Snacks are an essential part of any diet, helping to bridge the gaps between the major meals of the day. However, impulsive snacking can make it easy to slip back into bad habits. Here are some delicious snacks to tide you over and keep you on track to eliminating Candida from your body*.

  • Buckwheat or Millet cookies
  • Japanese rice crackers
  • Seaweed crackers
  • Muesli

Foods to try as the gut improves

Sticking with a diet is difficult, but you can reward yourself with a greater diversity of foods as your gut health improves. Fruits like bananas and pineapple can be high in sugars but also feed the good bacteria in your gut. Furthermore, pineapple contains bromelain, which has potent anti-candida properties. Sweet potatoes are another food to try as your gut recovers. They are delicious, versatile, and have a lower glycemic index than regular potatoes, giving Candida less opportunity to grow.


Our recommended diet focuses on eliminating major sugar sources and replacing them with whole, nutrient-rich foods. This is because Candida uses glucose as a primary fuel for their growth. We hope we have demonstrated that going on a Candida diet doesn’t mean restricting yourself to a narrow band of bland, expensive, difficult-to-find foods. Most of these foods are widely available; you likely already have some in your home. If you don’t like or are allergic to one particular food type on this list, there are plenty of delicious alternatives you can turn to. Like with all diets, consistency is crucial.

Are you struggling with Candida?

Discover a more robust solution on our website with the scientifically backed CanXida Remove, Restore, and Rebuild formulations.

Plus, get ready to save on your next purchase of CanXida! Use the coupon code ftec10p at checkout to receive an exclusive 10% discount on all our products. Explore our range of Candida solutions and take a step towards better health while enjoying pocket-friendly prices.

You can download a printable Candida Diet Friendly Grocery List by clicking here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.