Can Quinoa Be Beneficial For Candida?

In our book Candida Crusher, there’s an emphasis on the value of various seeds, grains, and nuts. Quinoa is a unique seed that deserves attention. Contrary to what some believe, it isn’t a grain. This seed has garnered increasing attention, especially in the western world. It’s important to note, however, that this isn’t a new food discovery. For centuries, it has been a staple in various cultures. From making flours and bread to cooking in savory and sweet dishes, the versatility of quinoa is impressive.

Undoubtedly, it’s a beneficial food item to include in your diet, whether or not you’re dealing with a yeast infection. Apart from being gluten-free, quinoa can be a delightful addition to various dishes. Cooking it in chicken or beef stock adds a flavorful twist. Incorporating it into salads, baking, or even creating patties gives room for culinary experimentation. Online, you’ll find an abundance of recipes, showcasing the many ways to enjoy this seed.

There are various types of quinoa available, ranging from black to golden to red. Besides its taste and adaptability in dishes, quinoa boasts several health benefits. It contains traces of Omega 3, notably alpha linoleic acid. Additionally, it’s rich in lysine, which is instrumental in inhibiting certain viral replications. The seed has proven immune-boosting properties, underlined by its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. Furthermore, quinoa is a source of essential trace elements like manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, and molybdenum.

If you’re considering adding quinoa to your diet, we fully support this choice. A tip for newcomers is to try cooking it in chicken stock. While quinoa does contain saponins that might lend a slightly bitter taste, a thorough rinse before cooking usually helps. As always, opt for high-quality quinoa from trusted sources. Remember to begin with small portions if you’re unfamiliar with it and gradually incorporate it alongside other grains and seeds.

Disclaimer: This information is provided based on our knowledge and research. It’s always recommended to consult with your healthcare professional before making dietary change