CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) Mechanism of Action

CanXida RMV Mechanism of Action – A deep dive into how CanXida Remove works at the molecular and cellular levels

CanXida RMV has already helped thousands of people take back control of their gut health.

But how does it work?

What exactly do the 12 ingredients do?

In this blog, we’re going to dive deep into all 12 ingredients of CanXida RMV and provide an easy-to-follow explanation of how it all works, and the science that backs it up.

A little bit of science before we start:

All cells have membranes, which act like a sort of skin around the cell. For multicellular organisms like us, losing one cell membrane is no big deal and is actually essential for our health. Single-cell organisms like Candida aren’t so lucky. If they lose their membrane their contents leak out and they die. That’s why so many antifungal compounds work by attacking or weakening cell membranes.

Okay, let’s dive into the 12 ingredients of CanXida RMV:

Grapefruit seed extract:

Several studies back up the anti-Candida activity of grapefruit seed extract. One study found strong antifungal effects against Candida albicans attributed to high levels of specific flavanols in GSE called flavan-3-ols. Another study showed that GSE kills yeast by triggering apoptosis, a form of cellular suicide.

Berberine Concentrate HCL:

Berberine is a herb with broad anti-fungal properties. It prevents Candida growth and biofilm formation and works by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are highly reactive forms of oxygen that wreak havoc in fungal cells, attacking DNA, proteins, and the cell membrane, ultimately killing them.


Cloves contain clove essential oil and eugenol. Both showed antifungal effects against all Candida strains tested in a study from 2023. Mechanistically, eugenol works by preventing Candida from adhering and forming biofilms.


Garlic has been used medicinally for millennia. Garlic contains allicin, a compound with strong anti-bacterial and anti-yeast properties. Allicin works by pushing Candida towards apoptosis and preventing the production of lipids which are a central component of the cell membrane.

Caprylic Acid:

Caprylic acid is a fat molecule that inhibits C. albicans growth. Caprylic acid acts on C. albicans by weakening its cell membrane and inhibiting efflux pumps. Efflux pumps cause drug resistance by literally pumping drugs out of the Candida cells.

Undecylenic Acid:

Undecylenic acid is another fat molecule that is extracted from castor bean oil. At lower doses, it inhibits biofilm formation in C. albicans, and at higher concentrations can prevent the transition of yeast to a more invasive form.

Betaine HCl:

Betaine HCl is a salt that decreases the pH of the stomach, making it more acidic. Though it does not affect Candida through a precise mechanism, HCl inhibits the overgrowth of Candida and prevents yeast from binding to the walls of the small intestine.

Black Walnut Hull Extract:

Black Walnut Hull Extract has been used historically to treat digestive issues and as a dye. Juglone is an active anti-fungal compound found in black walnut hull extract. Like berberine HCl, juglone triggers ROS production, which can kill Candida cells. This study from 2017 shows the specific activity of blank walnut hull extract against C. albicans growth.

Pau D’Arco:

Bark extract from the Pau D’Arco tree, also known as the lapacho tree, has been used in traditional South American medicine for centuries. The extract contains the active ingredient Lapachol which has strong anti-fungal activity against Candida. Among other modalities, Lapachol works by blocking the microbial electron transport chain, a key mechanism for how organisms make energy.


Leaf and seed extracts from the Neem herb have been used in India as antimicrobial agents for over a thousand years. Neem extract contains nimonol and ethyl acetate which have both been directly shown to inhibit C. albicans growth, though a direct mechanism is not yet understood.


Biotin is found in food types like eggs, liver, and kidneys and is produced by healthy gut bacteria. In 1974 biotin was found to prevent C. albicans from maturing into its invasive form, thus limiting the possibility of invasive candidiasis. Biotin is also a B-type water-soluble vitamin essential for immune function.

Oregano Oil:

Oregano oil has been a staple of the south Mediterranean diet for centuries and was also used in food storage because of its strong anti-microbial qualities. In separate studies, oregano oil has been shown to inhibit Candida growth and prevent biofilm formation. Two active compounds in Oregano oil are carvacrol and thymol. Carvacrol may work by disrupting calcium signaling in yeast and triggering death. Thymol appears to work by binding to the yeast cell membrane, causing it to weaken.

There we have it; the 12 ingredients of CanXida Remove and how they work. But that’s not the whole story.

While each ingredient has standalone antifungal activity, research has shown synergistic effects between different compounds.

Synergistic Effects:

Synergy applies when a combination of ingredients has a larger effect than the sum of the effects of individual ingredients. As we’ve seen clove and neem have strong anti-fungal properties when used in isolation, however, a study from 2015 showed they have an even greater effect when they are combined. A similar relationship exists between Oregano oil and caprylic acid against various pathological microbes.


To sum up, CanXida Remove contains 12 natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial compounds that work individually and synergistically to remove Candida from your body.

Each ingredient is backed up by scientific studies and many are backed up by centuries (or even millennia) of traditional use. All of the ingredients are natural and therefore have a wide band of action, with no chance of resistance developing, and do not cause any collateral damage to your body.

Information about other CanXida formulations and package deals can be found on our website. If you would like more information, feel free to reach out to our team of experts at CanXida.